Cumulative Sum
Block Screenshot
The CUMSUM block sums the element of an input MxN matrix U along either the rows, the columns or the first non singleton dimension.
When the Sum along parameter is set to :
1 : the block sums across the elements of each row. The output result will be a Mx1 matrix.
2 : the block sums across the elements of each column. The output result will be a 1xN matrix.
0 : the block sums across the first non singleton dimension. The output result will be a scalar.
The equivalent function in Scilab is cumsum.
Dialog box
Datatype(1=real double 2=Complex)
It indicates the type of the output. It support only the two types double (1) and complex (2). If we input another entry in this label Scicos will print the message "Datatype is not supported".
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1.
Sum along (0=the first non singleton dimension 1=Rows 2=Columns)
Indicate whether to sum across the rows, the columns or the first non singleton dimension.
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1.
A=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9] If the sum is along the row the result will be B=[12;15;18]
Default properties
always active: no
direct-feedthrough: yes
zero-crossing: no
mode: no
regular inputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,-2] / type 1
regular outputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,-2] / type 1
number/sizes of activation inputs: 0
number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
continuous-time state: no
discrete-time state: no
object discrete-time state: no
name of computational function: cumsum_m
Interfacing function
Computational function
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