Block Screenshot
A Selector block accepts either vector or matrix signals as input. Set the Input Type parameter to the type of signal (vector or matrix) that the block should accept in your model. The parameter dialog box and the block's appearance change to reflect the type of input that you select. The way the block determines the elements to select differs slightly, depending on the type of input.
Dialog box
Datatype(1= real double 2=Complex)
It indicates the type of the output. It support only the two types double (1) and complex (2). If we input another entry in this label Xcos will print the message "Datatype is not supported". Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1
number of inputs
a scalar. Number of regular and event inputs.
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1
initial connected input
an integer. It must be between 1 and the number of inputs.
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1
Default properties
always active: no
direct-feedthrough: yes
zero-crossing: no
mode: no
regular inputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,-2] / type 1
- port 2 : size [-1,-2] / type 1
regular outputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,-2] / type 1
number/sizes of activation inputs: 2
number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
continuous-time state: no
discrete-time state: yes
object discrete-time state: no
name of computational function: selector_m

Interfacing function
Computational function
SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/selector_m.c (Type 4)
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