Scilab Graphic Editor
ged(action, fignum)
- action
Real: action to be executed on graphic window given by
:1: Select window
as current figure.2: Redraw window
.3: Clear window
.4: Ask the user to select a graphic entity to copy.
5: Paste last graphic entity copied using action
.6: Ask the user to select a graphic entity and then move it.
7: Ask the user to select the graphic entity to delete.
8: Start a GUI to edit window properties.
9: Start a GUI to edit current axes properties.
10: Start an entity picker to select a graphic object and edit it using Graphic Editor GUI.
11: Stop the entity picker.
- fignum
Real: Graphic window number, the figure to edit.
The Scilab Graphic Editor is the underlying Scilab function for the graphic object editor, the visual tool available from the graphics windows Edit menu. ged()
is of limited use by itself (most the functionalities are available from other functions), and is only present to ensure that all Object Editor functionalities are also available in the Scilab language.
starts Scilab Graphic Editor on figure number fignum
and execute action given by action
Note that, the Scilab Graphic Editor is implemented using the Tcl/Tk language; it is not available on MacOS, where Tcl/TK is not available.
See Also
- object editor — description of the graphic object editor capacities
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