Scilab 6.0.0
- Scilab Help
- Java from Scilab
- Getting started - Beginning
- Getting started - Second step
- jallowClassReloading
- jarray
- jautoTranspose
- jautoUnwrap
- jcast
- jcompile
- jconvMatrixMethod
- jcreatejar
- jdeff
- jdisableTrace
- jenableTrace
- jexists
- jgetclassname
- jgetfield
- jgetfields
- jgetinfo
- jgetmethods
- jimport
- jinvoke
- jinvoke_db
- jnewInstance
- jnull
- jremove
- jsetfield
- junwrap
- junwraprem
- jvoid
- jwrap
- jwrapinchar
- jwrapinfloat
- new
Scilab Help >> Java from Scilab > jinvoke
Invoke a method of a Java object
ret = jinvoke(object, methodName [, arg_1 [, arg_2...]])
- object
A mlist typed _JObj or _JClass or a Scilab variable
- methodName
A string giving the method name
- arg_i
A Scilab variable as method argument
Invoke the Java method (static or not) called methodName of the given object. The result is returned as a mlist typed _JObj.
The polymorphism is handled in using Java Reflection and the autoboxing is handled too so ArrayList.add(1.234) or ArrayList.add("Hello") are allowed. If it exists a method, it is possible to write even if 123 is a Scilab double but, if it exists, will be chosen.
jimport java.lang.System; jimport java.awt.Color; jimport java.lang.String; // Non-static methods jinvoke("Hello World !!", "length"); str ="Hello"); jinvoke(str,"substring",1, 4) // Static method T = jinvoke(System, "getProperty", "java.version"); // Combine c = jinvoke(Color, "decode", "123456"); cb = jinvoke(c, "brighter"); jcode = jinvoke(cb, "getRGB"); jremove System Color T c cb jcode;
See Also
- jautoUnwrap — Unwrap automatically returned values
- jinvoke_db — Invoke a method of a Java object in using Java direct buffers
Version | Description |
5.5.0 | Function introduced. Based on the 'JIMS' module. The main difference in the behavior compared to the JIMS module is that jautoUnwrap is enabled by default. |
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