Scilab 6.0.0
- Scilab Help
- Xcos
- Scilab Utilities Functions
- block_parameter_error
- buildouttb
- getModelicaPath
- importXcosDiagram
- loadScicos
- loadXcosLibs
- scicos_debug
- scicos_getvalue
- scicos_log
- standard_inputs
- standard_origin
- standard_outputs
- var2vec
- vec2var
- xcosAddToolsMenu
- xcosPal
- xcosPalAdd
- xcosPalAddBlock
- xcosPalDelete
- xcosPalExport
- xcosPalGenerateAllIcons
- xcosPalMove
- xcosUpdateBlock
Scilab Help >> Xcos > Scilab Utilities Functions > scicos_debug
Set the level of the Scicos debugging
scicos_debug(level) level = scicos_debug()
This Scilab function is used to set the debug level of a Scicos simulation.
One can used it in the "Calc" mode of the Scicos editor or as an instruction in a Scilab block or in an interfacing function.
scicos_debug(level) level=scicos_debug()
level : set/get the current level of the Scicos simulation debugging.
0: no debugging.
1: light debugging information printout.
2: more information printout and execution of Debug Block if any in diagram.
3: silent debugging mode (no information printout) and execution of Debug Block if any in diagram.
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