Scilab 6.0.0
- Aide de Scilab
- Getting started
- Functions Summary
- atomsAutoload
- atomsAutoloadAdd
- atomsAutoloadDel
- atomsAutoloadList
- atomsCategoryList
- atomsCheckModule
- atomsDepTreeShow
- atomsGetConfig
- atomsGetInstalled
- atomsGetInstalledPath
- atomsGetLoaded
- atomsGetLoadedPath
- atomsInstall
- atomsIsInstalled
- atomsIsLoaded
- atomsList
- atomsLoad
- atomsQuit
- atomsRemove
- atomsRepositoryAdd
- atomsRepositoryDel
- atomsRepositoryList
- atomsRestoreConfig
- atomsSaveConfig
- atomsSearch
- atomsSetConfig
- atomsShow
- atomsSystemInit
- atomsSystemUpdate
- atomsTest
- atomsUpdate
- atomsVersion
Aide de Scilab >> ATOMS > Getting started
Getting started
A short introduction to install and load ATOMS modules in Scilab.
This page teaches how to get started with ATOMS module manager on the scilab platform towards a session example. It describes how one can install a module and load it in Scilab environment.
Configure ATOMS to display extra-information:
List available modules
-->atomsList(); ampl_toolbox - An interface to load .nl files created by AMPL ANN_Toolbox - ANN Toolbox conmin - A Scilab interface to the conmin optimization method CUTEr - Testing environment for optimization and linear algebra solvers dace_scilab - This is a conversion of the well known DACE kriging toolbox for Matlab. dde_toolbox - Dynamic Data Exchange client for Scilab HYDROGRv50 - Models and function for operational hydrology lolimot - A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree module_lycee - Scilab pour les lycées NISP - Non Intrusive Spectral Projection plotlib - "Matlab-like" Plotting library for Scilab scilab2c - Translate Scilab code into C code scipad - Scipad 7.20 simplex - This package contains the simplex optimization method sndfile_toolbox - Read & write sound files stixbox - Statistics toolbox for Scilab 5.2
Install a module, download it and extract it. The module is installed but it's not loaded in the scilab environment and its functionalities are not available yet.
-->atomsInstall('NISP'); NISP (2.1) will be installed in the 'allusers' section Installing NISP (2.1) ... success
Load a module.
By default, a module is added to the list of modules to load at Scilab start when it's installed.-->atomsLoad('NISP'); Start NISP Toolbox Load gateways Load help Load demos
Remove a module:
-->atomsRemove NISP NISP (2.1) will be removed from the 'allusers' section the package NISP (2.1) is currently loaded, It will removed at next Scilab restart
See Also
More information on the autoload system :
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