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Aide de Scilab >> Graphiques > annotation > captions


draw graph captions


hl=captions(h, strings [,location])



vector of handles on polyline entities.


n vector of strings, strings(i) is the caption of the ith polyline


a handle of type "Legend", points to the structure containing all the captions information (see legend_properties.


a character string with possible values:

  • "in_upper_right": captions are drawn in the upper right corner of the axes box.

  • "in_upper_left": captions are drawn in the upper left corner of the axes box.

  • "in_lower_right": captions are drawn in the lower right corner of the axes box.

  • "in_lower_left": captions are drawn in the lower left corner of the axes box.

  • "out_upper_right": captions are drawn at the right of the upper right corner of the axes box.

  • "out_upper_left": captions are drawn at the left of the upper left corner of the axes box.

  • "out_lower_right": captions are drawn at the right of the lower right corner of the axes box.

  • "out_lower_left": captions are drawn at the left of the lower left corner of the axes box.

  • "upper_caption": captions are drawn above the upper left corner of the axes box.

  • "lower_caption": captions are drawn below the lower left corner of the axes box. This option correspond to the leg argument of plot2d

  • "by_coordinates": the upper left corner of the captions box is given by the "position" field of the associated data structure. The x and y positions are given as fractions of the axes_bounds sizes.


Puts captions on the current plot at the in the bottom left corner of the graphic window using the specified strings as labels. captions prepends labels by a recall of the corresponding polylines. The type and properties are recovered from the given handles:

The captions function creates a Legend data structure.

There is at most one Legend associated with each axes. If the caption function is recalled while a Legend still exist the old one is replaced.


a=gca();a.data_bounds=[t(1) -1.8;t($) 1.8];

plot2d(t,[cos(t'),cos(2*t'),cos(3*t')],[1,2 3]);  



See Also

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:06 CEST 2016