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Aide de Scilab >> Statistiques > Hypothesis Testing > ftest


Fisher ratio





real or complex matrix of type nr X nc


f=ftest(samples) computes the Fisher ratio of the nc samples whose values are in the columns of the matrix samples. Each one of these samples is composed of nr values. (The Fisher ratio is the ratio between nr times the variance of the means of samples and the mean of variances of each sample)

[f,p]=ftest(samples) gives in p the p-value of the computed Fisher ratio f.


Wonacott, T.H. & Wonacott, R.J.; Introductory Statistics, J.Wiley & Sons, 1990.


samples=[46 55 54;
         53 54 50; 
         49 58 51;
         50 61 51;
         46 52 49]

See Also

  • ftuneq — Fisher ratio for samples of unequal size.
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:05 CEST 2016