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Aide de Scilab >> Fonctions Elémentaires > ismatrix


check if a variable is a matrix





scalar,vector, matrix, hypermatrix, list, array of structures or cells


a boolean


ismatrix(x) returns true if x is a matrix. Scalars and vectors are considered as matrix, and it is the same for hypermatrix only if one of its three dimensions equals to 1.

Note that matrix([]) returns false.


ismatrix(["s" "t" "u"; "t" "s" "u"])
ismatrix(rand(2,1,3)) //because of singleton
ismatrix(rand(2,2,3)) //hypermatrix
s = struct();
ismatrix(s) // Empty structure
clear s
s(1,2).a = 3;
s(1,3).b = %z;
ismatrix(s) // Row array of structures
clear s
s(2,1).a = "w"; 
s(3,1).b = %t;  
iscolumn(s) // Column array of structures
clear s
s(1,2).a = -2;
s(3,1).b = %pi;
ismatrix(s) // 2D not-square array of structures
clear s
s(2,1,2).a = 3;
s(1,1,2).b = "test";
ismatrix(s) // 3D array of structures (with a singleton dim)
clear s
s(1,1,2).a = 3;
s(1,1,3).b = "test";
ismatrix(s) // 3D array of structures (with 2 singleton dims)
clear s
s(2,2,2).a = %f; 
s(1,2,1).b = list(%e, %s);
ismatrix(s) // 3D (cubic) array of structures

See also

  • isscalar — check if a variable is a scalar.
  • isrow — check if a variable is a row
  • iscolumn — check if a variable is a column
  • issquare — check if a variable is a square matrix
  • isempty — check if a variable is an empty matrix or an empty list


5.5.0 Function ismatrix introduced.
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:01 CEST 2016