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Aide de Scilab >> Scilab > Gestion des erreurs > lasterror


get last recorded error message


str=lasterror( [opt] )



a vector of character strings or an empty matrix. The last recorded error message.


an integer, 0 or the last recorded error number.


an integer, 0 or the last recorded function line number.


a string, the last recorded function name.


a boolean, if %t recorded message is cleared. Default is %t.


Each time an error occurs, the Scilab error handler records it in an internal table (only the last one is retained). The lasterror function allows to get the message, the error number, the current function (if any) and the current line number in the current function out of this table.

The reported line number is the physical line number where the last error occurred. Note that Scilab versions before 5.0 used to report the logical line number of the last error. There is a difference only if the function in error includes continued lines (see dot) before the point where the error happened.

This function is especially useful while using execstr.

The recorded error message may be retained for a further call to lasterror using lasterror(%f).


if ierr>0 then 

See Also

  • execstr — exécution d'instructions Scilab contenues dans des chaînes de caractères
  • error — Affichage d'un message d'erreur
  • errclear — "effacement" d'une erreur
  • edit_error — opens in scilab editor the source of the last recorded error
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:30:58 CEST 2016