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Aide de Scilab >> Graphiques > lighting > light


creates a light object in the given axes


l=light(axes_handle, <LightProperty>)



The handle of the axes, if omitted is used the current axes.


Optional argument specifying the light properties. The optional arguments are set using sintax: "light(propname1=propvalue1, propname2=propvalue2, ..., propnameN=propvalueN)".

Following there is the list of optional arguments:


This field defines if the light is enabled "on" or disabled "off".


This field defines the type of light used. There are two types available:"directional" and "point". Directional lights are positioned infinitely far from the surface thus emitting parallel rays.

Point lights are defined as a point in space thus emitting rays in all directions. The default value is "point".


This field defines the ray direction for directional light. The direction can be changed using a 3 element vector "[x, y, z]" representing a vector starting from the origin.

The default value is "[0 0 1]".


This field defines the light position for point light. The position can be changed using a 3 element vector "[x, y, z]".

The default value is "[0 0 1]".


This field defines the ambient color of the light. The color is defined by a 3 element vector "[red, green, blue]" with each element in the range [0, 1].

The default value is "[0.1 0.1 0.1]".


This field defines the diffuse color of the light. The color is defined by a 3 element vector "[red, green, blue]" with each element in the range [0, 1].

The default value is "[1 1 1]".


This field defines the specular color of the light. The color is defined by a 3 element vector "[red, green, blue]" with each element in the range [0, 1].

The default value is "[1 1 1]".


The light function, creates a light entity (see light_property for the light entity properties) in the specified axes and sets the properties specified with <LightProperty> optional arguments.

For a more detailed explanation about how lighting affects the surface appearance see lighting.


l = light(visible="on", type="point", position=[0 0 1]);

See Also

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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:06 CEST 2016