Scilab 6.0.0
- Aide de Scilab
- Aide à la conversion Matlab vers Scilab
- Matlab-Scilab equivalents
- C
- case (Matlab function)
- cat (Matlab function)
- cd (Matlab function)
- ceil (Matlab function)
- cell (Matlab function)
- cell2mat (Matlab function)
- cellstr (Matlab function)
- chol (Matlab function)
- cla (Matlab function)
- clc (Matlab function)
- clear (Matlab function)
- clf (Matlab function)
- clock (Matlab function)
- close (Matlab function)
- closereq (Matlab function)
- colordef (Matlab function)
- complex (Matlab function)
- conj (Matlab function)
- continue (Matlab function)
- conv (Matlab function)
- conv2 (Matlab function)
- cos (Matlab function)
- cosh (Matlab function)
- cot (Matlab function)
- coth (Matlab function)
- cputime (Matlab function)
- csc (Matlab function)
- csch (Matlab function)
- cumprod (Matlab function)
- cumsum (Matlab function)
Aide de Scilab >> Aide à la conversion Matlab vers Scilab > Matlab-Scilab equivalents > C > clf (Matlab function)
clf (Matlab function)
Clear current figure window
Particular cases
- clf
In this case, all current figure children will be deleted because there is no HandleVisibility property in Scilab graphics.
- fig_handle = clf
Scilab equivalent is be fig_handle = gcf();clf;. In this case, all current figure children will be deleted because there is no HandleVisibility property in Scilab graphics.
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