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Aide de Scilab >> Entrées/Sorties [fichiers] > merror


tests the file access errors indicator


err = merror([fd])      
[err, msg] = merror([fd])



a scalar: the fd parameter returned by the function mopen is used as a file descriptor (it's a positive integer). -1 stands for last opened file. The default value is -1.


a scalar: an error status number of the most recent file I/O operation associated with the specified file.

If the most recent I/O operation performed on the specified file was successful, the value of msg is empty and merror returns an err value of 0.


a string: an error string message.


The function merror is used to test the file access errors indicator returning non-zero if it is set. The error indicator can only be reset by the mclearerr function.

A nonzero err indicates that an error occurred in the most recent file I/O operation. The value of message is a string that can contain information about the nature of the error. If the message is not helpful, consult the C run-time library manual for your host operating system for further details.


fd = mopen(TMPDIR +'/filetxt.txt','wt');
[err,msg] = merror(fd)
if (err <> 0) then 

See Also

  • mclearerr — resets binary file access errors
  • mclose — closes an opened file
  • mopen — opens a file in Scilab
  • mput — writes byte or word in a given binary format
  • mget — reads byte or word in a given binary format and converts to a double type
  • mgetstr — reads a character string from a file
  • mputstr — writes a character string in a file
  • meof — checks if end of file has been reached
  • mseek — sets current position in a binary file
  • mtell — Returns the offset of the current byte relative to the beginning of a file
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:06 CEST 2016