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Aide de Scilab >> Statistiques > Data with Missing Values > nanmax


max (ignoring Nan's)





real or complex vector or matrix


This function gives for a real or a numerical matrix x his largest element m (but ignoring the NANs).

For x, a numerical vector or matrix, m=nanmax(x) returns in scalar m the largest element of x (ignoring the NANs). The form [m,index] =nanmax(x,orient) gives in addition of the value of the largest element of x (ignoring the NANs) in scalar m, the index of this element in x, as a 2-vector.

m=nanmax(x,'r') gives in the 1xsize(x,2) matrix m the largest elements (ignoring the NANs) of each column of x. If the form [m,index]=nanmax(x,'r') is used, the elements of the 1xsize(x,2) matrix index are the indexes of the largest elements (ignoring the NANs) of each column of x in the corresponding column.

m=nanmax(x,'c') gives in the size(x,2)x1 matrix m the largest elements (ignoring the NANs) of each row of x. If the form [m,index]=nanmax(x,'c') is used, the elements of the size(x,2)x1 matrix index are the indexes of the largest elements (ignoring the NANs) of each row of x in the corresponding row.

In Labostat, NAN values stand for missing values in tables.


x=[0.2113249 %nan 0.6653811;0.7560439 0.3303271 0.6283918]


Wonacott, T.H. & Wonacott, R.J.; Introductory Statistics, fifth edition, J.Wiley & Sons, 1990.

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:05 CEST 2016