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Aide de Scilab >> Optimisation et Simulation > Optimization base > optimbase_log


Prints the given message.


opt = optimbase_log(opt, msg)



The object of TOPTIM type (tlist).


A string. The message to print.


The optimbase_log function prints the given message in the console, if verbose logging is enabled. If verbose logging is disabled, does nothing. If the -logfile option has been set, writes the message into the file instead of writing to the console. If the console is too slow, writing into a file can be a solution, since it is very fast.


opt = optimbase_new ();
opt = optimbase_configure(opt, "-verbose", 1);
optimbase_log ( opt , "My message" );
opt = optimbase_destroy(opt);

// Writes the message into the file 
opt = optimbase_new ();
opt = optimbase_configure(opt, "-verbose", 1);
opt = optimbase_configure(opt,"-logfile",fullfile(TMPDIR,"mylogfile.txt"));
myFile = optimbase_cget(opt,"-logfile")
optimbase_log ( opt , "My message" );
opt = optimbase_destroy(opt)

fd = mopen( fullfile(TMPDIR,"mylogfile.txt") , "r" );
mgetl ( fd , 2 )

See Also

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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:05 CEST 2016