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Aide de Scilab >> Xcos > Fonctions utilitaires Scilab > standard_inputs


Get the position of the input ports of a block in Xcos editor.


[x,y,typ] = standard_inputs(block)



xcos block.


x position of the port. When multiple ports are described, x is a float vector of x positions.


y position of the port. When multiple ports are described, y is a float vector of y positions.


determine the type of ports. It can take the following values: -1 if this is a clock port; 1 if this is an explicit port; 2 if this is an implicit port. When multiple ports are described, typ is a vector.


This Scilab function was used by the Scicos blocks interfacing functions to get the position (x, y) of each input port.

This function is not useful for Xcos block interfacing functions anymore. The Xcos interfacing functions are not called with job="getorigin" anymore.


o1 = CSCOPE("define");
[x1,y1,typ1] = standard_inputs(o1)
o2 = Capacitor("define");
[x2,y2,typ2] = standard_inputs(o2)

See Also

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:20 CEST 2016