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Aide de Scilab >> Chaînes de caractères > strtod


convert string to double


d =  strtod(str [,decimalseparator])
[d, endstr] = strtod(str [,decimalseparator])



a character string or matrix of character strings.


the decimal separator chosen: "." (by default) or ",".


a real or matrix of reals.


a character string or matrix of character strings (next character in str after the numerical value).


[d, endstr] = strtod(str) parses strings str interpreting its content as a floating point number and returns its value as a real. If str does not contain any numerical value then d equals Nan.


  • This function is based on the strtod C function which causes different behaviors on Windows and Linux. In fact, on Windows, it is possible to use d or D for exponents, but it is not possible to use hexadecimal numbers.

  • Note that strtod("%inf") returns Nan.


strtod('123.556This is a sample real')
strtod('123,556This is a sample real', ",")
[d,endstr] = strtod('123.556This is a sample real')
strtod(['123.556This is a sample real','888.666 here'])
[d,endstr] =strtod(['123.556This is a sample real','888.666 here'])
[d,endstr] =strtod(['123.556This is a sample real','888,666 here'], ",")


5.5.0 New optional input: decimalseparator (SEP 97).
5.4.1 If str does not contain any numerical value then d equals Nan instead of 0 in previous versions.
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:07 CEST 2016