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Scilabヘルプ >> Atoms > atomsInstall


Install one or several external modules


result = atomsInstall(modules[,section])
result = atomsInstall(file)



mx1, mx2 Matrix of strings:

1st Col. Technical name Mandatory
2nd Col. Version Optional If this field is empty or is not present, the most recent version is used

mx1 Matrix of strings:

1st Col. File-system path Mandatory

This argument controls where the external module is installed.

section is a single-string and its value should be :

  • "allusers": the external module is installed for all users of the computer and is located in SCI/contrib ("allusers zone").

  • "user": the external module is only installed for the current user and is located in SCIHOME/atoms ("user zone").

If SCI/contrib is write accessible, "allusers" is the default value. Otherwise, the default value is "user".


5xn character string matrix:

1st Col. Technical name
2nd Col. Version
3rd Col. Installation section this parameter determines whether the module has been installed for all users or only for the current user.
4th Col. Installation path
5th Col. Status "I" stands for "Intentionally", "A" stands for "Automatically"


atomsInstall install one or more external modules.


Example 1: Installing a module from a repository

// Display some additional information

// Load the test repository

// Install a module

// Install a specific version
atomsInstall(["toolbox_2" "2.0"]);

// Install several modules
atomsInstall(["toolbox_4" "1.0" ; "toolbox_2" "1.0"]);

// Install a module in the user section

// Install a module in the allusers section
// (write access on SCI directory is needed):
atomsInstall(["toolbox_6" "1.0";"toolbox_3" "1.0"], ..

// Get the list of installed modules:
disp( atomsGetInstalled() );

// Cleaning :)
atomsRemove(["toolbox_1"; ..
             "toolbox_2"; ..
             "toolbox_3"; ..
             "toolbox_4"; ..
             "toolbox_5"; ..

Example 2: Installing a local module. As well as installing modules from the central repository, you can also install modules directly from your own machine.

// Display some additional information

// Install a module

// Get the list of installed modules:
disp( atomsGetInstalled() );

// Cleaning :)

See Also

  • atomsIsInstalled — Determines whether the module is installed. Returns true if the module is installed, false otherwise.
  • atomsGetInstalled — Get the list of installed external modules
  • atomsRemove — Remove one or several modules
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:35:45 CEST 2016