Scilab 6.0.0
- Scilabヘルプ
- Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
- Matlab-Scilab equivalents
- D
- date (Matlab function)
- dec2bin (Matlab function)
- dec2hex (Matlab function)
- delete (Matlab function)
- det (Matlab function)
- diag (Matlab function)
- diary (Matlab function)
- diff (Matlab function)
- dir (Matlab function)
- disp (Matlab function)
- display (Matlab function)
- doc (Matlab function)
- docopt (Matlab function)
- dos (Matlab function)
- double (Matlab function)
- drawnow (Matlab function)
Scilabヘルプ >> Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips > Matlab-Scilab equivalents > D > dir (Matlab function)
dir (Matlab function)
Display directory listing
Particular cases
When used in command window, Scilab and Matlab dir are equivalents. When result is stored in a value, Matlab returns a struture but Scilab returns a tlist. To get the same result, you can use mtlb_dir, note that in this case, hidden files are not get.
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