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Scilabヘルプ >> Optimization and Simulation > Optimization base > optimbase_checkbounds


Checks the bounds.


opt = optimbase_checkbounds(opt)



The object of TOPTIM type (tlist).


The optimbase_checkbounds function checks if the bounds are consistent and produces an error message if not.

To have a consistency of bounds, you must satisfy the two conditions:

  • the number of maximal and minimal bounds must be the same as the number of variables,

  • minimal bounds must be lower than maximal bounds ,


opt = optimbase_new();

// Set number of variables
opt = optimbase_configure ( opt, "-numberofvariables", 2);

// Set minimal and maximal bounds
opt = optimbase_configure(opt, "-boundsmin", [-5 -5]');
opt = optimbase_configure(opt, "-boundsmax", [5 5]');

// Set check bounds
opt = optimbase_checkbounds(opt)
opt = optimbase_destroy(opt);

See Also

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:35:28 CEST 2016