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Scilabヘルプ >> Optimization and Simulation > Optimization simplex > optimsimplex_check


Checks the consistency of internal data





The current simplex object of TSIMPLEX type (tlist).


The optimsimplex_check function returns an error message if the dimensions of different fields of current simplex do not match :

  • the rows number of x field is different from the value of nbve field.

  • the columns number of x field is different from the value of n field.

  • the rows number of fv field is different from the value of nbve field.

  • the columns number of fv field is different from 1.


coords = [...
   0.    0.  
   1.    0.  
   0.    2.  
s1 = optimsimplex_new ( coords );
s1 = optimsimplex_setallfv ( s1 , [3.0 4.0 5.0]' );
optimsimplex_check ( s1 );
s1 = optimsimplex_destroy(s1);

See Also

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:35:28 CEST 2016