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Справка Scilab >> Xcos > palettes > User defined functions palette > DSUPER


Masked super block

Block Screenshot


This block opens the settings of the masked Super block.

Any super block implementation can hide it's implementation be using the "Mask" feature and then some parameters (extracted from the context) can be added to configure it. If you want to edit such a block, you first need to "Unmask" it.

Default properties

  • always active: no

  • direct-feedthrough: no

  • zero-crossing: no

  • mode: no

  • regular inputs:

    - port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1

  • regular outputs:

    - port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1

  • number/sizes of activation inputs: 0

  • number/sizes of activation outputs: 0

  • continuous-time state: no

  • discrete-time state: no

  • object discrete-time state: no

  • name of computational function: super

Interfacing function

  • SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Misc/SUPER_f.sci

  • SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Misc/DSUPER.sci

See also

Super block

The implementation of this black box is performed through a Super block.

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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:33 CEST 2016