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Справка Scilab >> API Scilab > legacy > Scilab Gateway API > Rhs (deprecated)

Rhs (deprecated)

A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function This function is obsolete.


nb_params Rhs



the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function


A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function. You must include stack-c.h to benefit from this function.

Note: Rhs means Right Hand Side.

WARNING: This API is deprecated from Scilab 5.2.0 and is going to be removed with Scilab 6.0. Please use API Scilab (the new Scilab API).


In this example, the C interface function can take several input arguments and prints in the Scilab console the integer corresponding to the number of input arguments detected in the calling Scilab function.

#include <stack-c.h>
#include <sciprint.h>

int sci_myrhs(char * fname)
  sciprint("The number of input parameters is %d\n", Rhs);

  return 0;

See Also

  • getNbInputArgument — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function
  • getNbOutputArgument — A C gateway function which provides the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function
  • sciprint — A C gateway function which displays standard messages to the user (same profile as the C printf function)
  • Lhs — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function This function is obsolete.
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:33 CEST 2016