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Справка Scilab >> Optimization and Simulation > Optimization simplex > optimsimplex_reflect


Returns the reflected simplex object.


r = optimsimplex_reflect(opt, fun)
[r, data] = optimsimplex_reflect(opt, fun, data)



The current simplex object of TSIMPLEX type (tlist).


The function to compute at vertices.

The fun function is expected to have the following input and output arguments:

y = myfunction (x)

User-defined data passed to the function (optional).

If data is provided, it is passed to the callback function both as an input and output argument. In that case, the function must have the following header :

[y, data] = myfunction (x, data)

The data input parameter may be used if the function uses some additional parameters. It is returned as an output parameter because the function may modify the data while computing the function value. This feature may be used, for example, to count the number of times that the function has been called.


The reflected simplex object.


The optimsimplex_reflect function returns a new simplex by reflexion of current simplex, by reflection with respect to the first vertex in the simplex. This move is used in the centered simplex gradient.


function y=rosenbrock(x)
  y = 100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2;

simplex = [
3. 0. 0.
4. 1. 0.
5. 0. 2.

s1 = optimsimplex_new ();
s1 = optimsimplex_setall ( s1 , simplex );
r = optimsimplex_reflect ( s1 , rosenbrock );
computed = optimsimplex_getall ( r )

s1 = optimsimplex_destroy(s1);
r = optimsimplex_destroy(r);

See Also

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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:32 CEST 2016