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Справка Scilab >> Output functions > print


prints variables in a file




prints xi on file 'file-name' with the current format, i.e. the format used by scilab to display the variables. All types of variables may be "print"'ed

Note : xi must be a named variable, with expressions variable name part of the display is unpredictable.

print(%io(2),...) prints on Scilab's window. this syntax may be used to display variables within a macro.


a=rand(3,3);p=poly([1,2,3],'s');l=list(1,'asdf',[1 2 3]);

See Also

  • write — write in a formatted file
  • read — matrices read
  • format — формат числа распечатываемого и выводимого на экран
  • mprintf — converts, formats, and writes data to the main scilab window
  • disp — displays variables
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:32 CEST 2016