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Справка Scilab >> Parameters > remove_param


Remove a parameter and its associated value from a list of parameters


[param_list,err] = remove_param(list_name,param_name)



the list of parameters. This list must have been initialize by a call to init_param.


a string. The name of the parameter to be removed from the list of parameters. If the parameter does not exist, nothing happens.


the updated list of parameters.


an error flag which is set to %T if list_name is not of type plist (this list has not been initialized by a call to init_param).


This function allows to remove a parameter and its associated value from a list of parameters. If the err output parameter is not present, when an error occurs, a message is printed in the console.


mylist = init_param();
mylist = add_param(mylist,'minbound',[0 0 0]);
mylist = add_param(mylist,'maxbound',[0 0 0]);
mylist = remove_param(mylist,'minbound');

See Also

  • init_param — Initialize the structure which will handles the parameters list
  • set_param — Set the value of a parameter in a parameter list
  • get_param — Get the value of a parameter in a parameter list
  • add_param — Add a parameter to a list of parameters
  • is_param — Check if a parameter is present in a parameter list
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:32 CEST 2016