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Справка Scilab >> CACSD > Linear System Representation

Linear System Representation

  • abcdstate-space matrices
  • armaScilab arma library
  • arma2pextract polynomial matrices from ar representation
  • arma2sstransform an armax data structure into state space representation.
  • armacScilab description of an armax process
  • cont_frmtransfer to controllable state-space
  • des2ssdescriptor to state-space
  • des2tfdescriptor to transfer function conversion
  • frep2tftransfer function realization from frequency response
  • lsslistфункция определения линейного пространства состояний
  • markp2ssMarkov parameters to state-space
  • pfsspartial fraction decomposition
  • pol2despolynomial matrix to descriptor form
  • sm2dessystem matrix to descriptor
  • sm2sssystem matrix to state-space
  • ss2des(polynomial) state-space to descriptor form
  • ss2ssstate-space to state-space conversion, feedback, injection
  • ss2tfconversion from state-space to transfer function
  • ssprintpretty print for linear system
  • syslinопределение линейной системы
  • syssizesize of state-space system
  • tf2destransfer function to descriptor
  • tf2sstransfer to state-space
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:31 CEST 2016