Interface manual
Xen v3.0 for x86
Xen is Copyright (c) 2002-2005, The Xen Team
University of Cambridge, UK

DISCLAIMER: This documentation is always under active development and as such there may be mistakes and omissions -- watch out for these and please report any you find to the developer's mailing list. The latest version is always available on-line. Contributions of material, suggestions and corrections are welcome.


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1. Introduction

Xen allows the hardware resources of a machine to be virtualized and dynamically partitioned, allowing multiple different guest operating system images to be run simultaneously. Virtualizing the machine in this manner provides considerable flexibility, for example allowing different users to choose their preferred operating system (e.g., Linux, NetBSD, or a custom operating system). Furthermore, Xen provides secure partitioning between virtual machines (known as domains in Xen terminology), and enables better resource accounting and QoS isolation than can be achieved with a conventional operating system.

Xen essentially takes a `whole machine' virtualization approach as pioneered by IBM VM/370. However, unlike VM/370 or more recent efforts such as VMware and Virtual PC, Xen does not attempt to completely virtualize the underlying hardware. Instead parts of the hosted guest operating systems are modified to work with the VMM; the operating system is effectively ported to a new target architecture, typically requiring changes in just the machine-dependent code. The user-level API is unchanged, and so existing binaries and operating system distributions work without modification.

In addition to exporting virtualized instances of CPU, memory, network and block devices, Xen exposes a control interface to manage how these resources are shared between the running domains. Access to the control interface is restricted: it may only be used by one specially-privileged VM, known as domain 0. This domain is a required part of any Xen-based server and runs the application software that manages the control-plane aspects of the platform. Running the control software in domain 0, distinct from the hypervisor itself, allows the Xen framework to separate the notions of mechanism and policy within the system.

2. Virtual Architecture

In a Xen/x86 system, only the hypervisor runs with full processor privileges (ring 0 in the x86 four-ring model). It has full access to the physical memory available in the system and is responsible for allocating portions of it to running domains.

On a 32-bit x86 system, guest operating systems may use rings 1, 2 and 3 as they see fit. Segmentation is used to prevent the guest OS from accessing the portion of the address space that is reserved for Xen. We expect most guest operating systems will use ring 1 for their own operation and place applications in ring 3.

On 64-bit systems it is not possible to protect the hypervisor from untrusted guest code running in rings 1 and 2. Guests are therefore restricted to run in ring 3 only. The guest kernel is protected from its applications by context switching between the kernel and currently running application.

In this chapter we consider the basic virtual architecture provided by Xen: CPU state, exception and interrupt handling, and time. Other aspects such as memory and device access are discussed in later chapters.

2.1 CPU state

All privileged state must be handled by Xen. The guest OS has no direct access to CR3 and is not permitted to update privileged bits in EFLAGS. Guest OSes use hypercalls to invoke operations in Xen; these are analogous to system calls but occur from ring 1 to ring 0.

A list of all hypercalls is given in Appendix A.

2.2 Exceptions

A virtual IDT is provided -- a domain can submit a table of trap handlers to Xen via the set_trap_table hypercall. The exception stack frame presented to a virtual trap handler is identical to its native equivalent.

2.3 Interrupts and events

Interrupts are virtualized by mapping them to event channels, which are delivered asynchronously to the target domain using a callback supplied via the set_callbacks hypercall. A guest OS can map these events onto its standard interrupt dispatch mechanisms. Xen is responsible for determining the target domain that will handle each physical interrupt source. For more details on the binding of event sources to event channels, see Chapter 8.

2.4 Time

Guest operating systems need to be aware of the passage of both real (or wallclock) time and their own `virtual time' (the time for which they have been executing). Furthermore, Xen has a notion of time which is used for scheduling. The following notions of time are provided:

Cycle counter time.

This provides a fine-grained time reference. The cycle counter time is used to accurately extrapolate the other time references. On SMP machines it is currently assumed that the cycle counter time is synchronized between CPUs. The current x86-based implementation achieves this within inter-CPU communication latencies.

System time.

This is a 64-bit counter which holds the number of nanoseconds that have elapsed since system boot.

Wall clock time.

This is the time of day in a Unix-style struct timeval (seconds and microseconds since 1 January 1970, adjusted by leap seconds). An NTP client hosted by domain 0 can keep this value accurate.

Domain virtual time.

This progresses at the same pace as system time, but only while a domain is executing -- it stops while a domain is de-scheduled. Therefore the share of the CPU that a domain receives is indicated by the rate at which its virtual time increases.

Xen exports timestamps for system time and wall-clock time to guest operating systems through a shared page of memory. Xen also provides the cycle counter time at the instant the timestamps were calculated, and the CPU frequency in Hertz. This allows the guest to extrapolate system and wall-clock times accurately based on the current cycle counter time.

Since all time stamps need to be updated and read atomically a version number is also stored in the shared info page, which is incremented before and after updating the timestamps. Thus a guest can be sure that it read a consistent state by checking the two version numbers are equal and even.

Xen includes a periodic ticker which sends a timer event to the currently executing domain every 10ms. The Xen scheduler also sends a timer event whenever a domain is scheduled; this allows the guest OS to adjust for the time that has passed while it has been inactive. In addition, Xen allows each domain to request that they receive a timer event sent at a specified system time by using the set_timer_op hypercall. Guest OSes may use this timer to implement timeout values when they block.

2.5 Xen CPU Scheduling

Xen offers a uniform API for CPU schedulers. It is possible to choose from a number of schedulers at boot and it should be easy to add more. The SEDF, BVT, and Credit schedulers are part of the normal Xen distribution. BVT and SEDF will be going away and their use should be avoided once the credit scheduler has stabilized and become the default. The Credit scheduler provides proportional fair shares of the host's CPUs to the running domains. It does this while transparently load balancing runnable VCPUs across the whole system.

Note: SMP host support

Xen has always supported SMP host systems. When using the credit scheduler, a domain's VCPUs will be dynamically moved across physical CPUs to maximise domain and system throughput. VCPUs can also be manually restricted to be mapped only on a subset of the host's physical CPUs, using the pinning mechanism.

2.6 Privileged operations

Xen exports an extended interface to privileged domains (viz. Domain 0). This allows such domains to build and boot other domains on the server, and provides control interfaces for managing scheduling, memory, networking, and block devices.

3. Memory

Xen is responsible for managing the allocation of physical memory to domains, and for ensuring safe use of the paging and segmentation hardware.

3.1 Memory Allocation

As well as allocating a portion of physical memory for its own private use, Xen also reserves s small fixed portion of every virtual address space. This is located in the top 64MB on 32-bit systems, the top 168MB on PAE systems, and a larger portion in the middle of the address space on 64-bit systems. Unreserved physical memory is available for allocation to domains at a page granularity. Xen tracks the ownership and use of each page, which allows it to enforce secure partitioning between domains.

Each domain has a maximum and current physical memory allocation. A guest OS may run a `balloon driver' to dynamically adjust its current memory allocation up to its limit.

3.2 Pseudo-Physical Memory

Since physical memory is allocated and freed on a page granularity, there is no guarantee that a domain will receive a contiguous stretch of physical memory. However most operating systems do not have good support for operating in a fragmented physical address space. To aid porting such operating systems to run on top of Xen, we make a distinction between machine memory and pseudo-physical memory.

Put simply, machine memory refers to the entire amount of memory installed in the machine, including that reserved by Xen, in use by various domains, or currently unallocated. We consider machine memory to comprise a set of 4kB machine page frames numbered consecutively starting from 0. Machine frame numbers mean the same within Xen or any domain.

Pseudo-physical memory, on the other hand, is a per-domain abstraction. It allows a guest operating system to consider its memory allocation to consist of a contiguous range of physical page frames starting at physical frame 0, despite the fact that the underlying machine page frames may be sparsely allocated and in any order.

To achieve this, Xen maintains a globally readable machine-to-physical table which records the mapping from machine page frames to pseudo-physical ones. In addition, each domain is supplied with a physical-to-machine table which performs the inverse mapping. Clearly the machine-to-physical table has size proportional to the amount of RAM installed in the machine, while each physical-to-machine table has size proportional to the memory allocation of the given domain.

Architecture dependent code in guest operating systems can then use the two tables to provide the abstraction of pseudo-physical memory. In general, only certain specialized parts of the operating system (such as page table management) needs to understand the difference between machine and pseudo-physical addresses.

3.3 Page Table Updates

In the default mode of operation, Xen enforces read-only access to page tables and requires guest operating systems to explicitly request any modifications. Xen validates all such requests and only applies updates that it deems safe. This is necessary to prevent domains from adding arbitrary mappings to their page tables.

To aid validation, Xen associates a type and reference count with each memory page. A page has one of the following mutually-exclusive types at any point in time: page directory (PD), page table ( PT), local descriptor table (LDT), global descriptor table (GDT), or writable (RW). Note that a guest OS may always create readable mappings of its own memory regardless of its current type.

This mechanism is used to maintain the invariants required for safety; for example, a domain cannot have a writable mapping to any part of a page table as this would require the page concerned to simultaneously be of types PT and RW.

mmu_update(mmu_update_t *req, int count, int *success_count, domid_t domid)

This hypercall is used to make updates to either the domain's pagetables or to the machine to physical mapping table. It supports submitting a queue of updates, allowing batching for maximal performance. Explicitly queuing updates using this interface will cause any outstanding writable pagetable state to be flushed from the system.

3.4 Writable Page Tables

Xen also provides an alternative mode of operation in which guests have the illusion that their page tables are directly writable. Of course this is not really the case, since Xen must still validate modifications to ensure secure partitioning. To this end, Xen traps any write attempt to a memory page of type PT (i.e., that is currently part of a page table). If such an access occurs, Xen temporarily allows write access to that page while at the same time disconnecting it from the page table that is currently in use. This allows the guest to safely make updates to the page because the newly-updated entries cannot be used by the MMU until Xen revalidates and reconnects the page. Reconnection occurs automatically in a number of situations: for example, when the guest modifies a different page-table page, when the domain is preempted, or whenever the guest uses Xen's explicit page-table update interfaces.

Writable pagetable functionality is enabled when the guest requests it, using a vm_assist hypercall. Writable pagetables do not provide full virtualisation of the MMU, so the memory management code of the guest still needs to be aware that it is running on Xen. Since the guest's page tables are used directly, it must translate pseudo-physical addresses to real machine addresses when building page table entries. The guest may not attempt to map its own pagetables writably, since this would violate the memory type invariants; page tables will automatically be made writable by the hypervisor, as necessary.

3.5 Shadow Page Tables

Finally, Xen also supports a form of shadow page tables in which the guest OS uses a independent copy of page tables which are unknown to the hardware (i.e. which are never pointed to by cr3). Instead Xen propagates changes made to the guest's tables to the real ones, and vice versa. This is useful for logging page writes (e.g. for live migration or checkpoint). A full version of the shadow page tables also allows guest OS porting with less effort.

3.6 Segment Descriptor Tables

At start of day a guest is supplied with a default GDT, which does not reside within its own memory allocation. If the guest wishes to use other than the default `flat' ring-1 and ring-3 segments that this GDT provides, it must register a custom GDT and/or LDT with Xen, allocated from its own memory.

The following hypercall is used to specify a new GDT:

int set_gdt(unsigned long *frame_list, int entries)

frame_list: An array of up to 14 machine page frames within which the GDT resides. Any frame registered as a GDT frame may only be mapped read-only within the guest's address space (e.g., no writable mappings, no use as a page-table page, and so on). Only 14 pages may be specified because pages 15 and 16 are reserved for the hypervisor's GDT entries.

entries: The number of descriptor-entry slots in the GDT.

The LDT is updated via the generic MMU update mechanism (i.e., via the mmu_update hypercall.

3.7 Start of Day

The start-of-day environment for guest operating systems is rather different to that provided by the underlying hardware. In particular, the processor is already executing in protected mode with paging enabled.

Domain 0 is created and booted by Xen itself. For all subsequent domains, the analogue of the boot-loader is the domain builder, user-space software running in domain 0. The domain builder is responsible for building the initial page tables for a domain and loading its kernel image at the appropriate virtual address.

3.8 VM assists

Xen provides a number of ``assists'' for guest memory management. These are available on an ``opt-in'' basis to provide commonly-used extra functionality to a guest.

vm_assist(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int type)

The cmd parameter describes the action to be taken, whilst the type parameter describes the kind of assist that is being referred to. Available commands are as follows:

Enable a particular assist type
Disable a particular assist type

And the available types are:

Provide emulated support for instructions that rely on 4GB segments (such as the techniques used by some TLS solutions).
Provide a callback to the guest if the above segment fixups are used: allows the guest to display a warning message during boot.
Enable writable pagetable mode - described above.

4. Xen Info Pages

The Shared info page is used to share various CPU-related state between the guest OS and the hypervisor. This information includes VCPU status, time information and event channel (virtual interrupt) state. The Start info page is used to pass build-time information to the guest when it boots and when it is resumed from a suspended state. This chapter documents the fields included in the shared_info_t and start_info_t structures for use by the guest OS.

4.1 Shared info page

The shared_info_t is accessed at run time by both Xen and the guest OS. It is used to pass information relating to the virtual CPU and virtual machine state between the OS and the hypervisor.

The structure is declared in xen/include/public/xen.h:

typedef struct shared_info {
    vcpu_info_t vcpu_info[MAX_VIRT_CPUS];

     * A domain can create "event channels" on which it can send and receive
     * asynchronous event notifications. There are three classes of event that
     * are delivered by this mechanism:
     *  1. Bi-directional inter- and intra-domain connections. Domains must
     *     arrange out-of-band to set up a connection (usually by allocating
     *     an unbound 'listener' port and avertising that via a storage service
     *     such as xenstore).
     *  2. Physical interrupts. A domain with suitable hardware-access
     *     privileges can bind an event-channel port to a physical interrupt
     *     source.
     *  3. Virtual interrupts ('events'). A domain can bind an event-channel
     *     port to a virtual interrupt source, such as the virtual-timer
     *     device or the emergency console.
     * Event channels are addressed by a "port index". Each channel is
     * associated with two bits of information:
     *  1. PENDING -- notifies the domain that there is a pending notification
     *     to be processed. This bit is cleared by the guest.
     *  2. MASK -- if this bit is clear then a 0->1 transition of PENDING
     *     will cause an asynchronous upcall to be scheduled. This bit is only
     *     updated by the guest. It is read-only within Xen. If a channel
     *     becomes pending while the channel is masked then the 'edge' is lost
     *     (i.e., when the channel is unmasked, the guest must manually handle
     *     pending notifications as no upcall will be scheduled by Xen).
     * To expedite scanning of pending notifications, any 0->1 pending
     * transition on an unmasked channel causes a corresponding bit in a
     * per-vcpu selector word to be set. Each bit in the selector covers a
     * 'C long' in the PENDING bitfield array.
    unsigned long evtchn_pending[sizeof(unsigned long) * 8];
    unsigned long evtchn_mask[sizeof(unsigned long) * 8];

     * Wallclock time: updated only by control software. Guests should base
     * their gettimeofday() syscall on this wallclock-base value.
    uint32_t wc_version;      /* Version counter: see vcpu_time_info_t. */
    uint32_t wc_sec;          /* Secs  00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970.  */
    uint32_t wc_nsec;         /* Nsecs 00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970.  */

    arch_shared_info_t arch;

} shared_info_t;

An array of vcpu_info_t structures, each of which holds either runtime information about a virtual CPU, or is ``empty'' if the corresponding VCPU does not exist.
Guest-global array, with one bit per event channel. Bits are set if an event is currently pending on that channel.
Guest-global array for masking notifications on event channels.
Version counter for current wallclock time.
Whole seconds component of current wallclock time.
Nanoseconds component of current wallclock time.
Host architecture-dependent portion of the shared info structure.

4.1.1 vcpu_info_t

typedef struct vcpu_info {
     * 'evtchn_upcall_pending' is written non-zero by Xen to indicate
     * a pending notification for a particular VCPU. It is then cleared 
     * by the guest OS /before/ checking for pending work, thus avoiding
     * a set-and-check race. Note that the mask is only accessed by Xen
     * on the CPU that is currently hosting the VCPU. This means that the
     * pending and mask flags can be updated by the guest without special
     * synchronisation (i.e., no need for the x86 LOCK prefix).
     * This may seem suboptimal because if the pending flag is set by
     * a different CPU then an IPI may be scheduled even when the mask
     * is set. However, note:
     *  1. The task of 'interrupt holdoff' is covered by the per-event-
     *     channel mask bits. A 'noisy' event that is continually being
     *     triggered can be masked at source at this very precise
     *     granularity.
     *  2. The main purpose of the per-VCPU mask is therefore to restrict
     *     reentrant execution: whether for concurrency control, or to
     *     prevent unbounded stack usage. Whatever the purpose, we expect
     *     that the mask will be asserted only for short periods at a time,
     *     and so the likelihood of a 'spurious' IPI is suitably small.
     * The mask is read before making an event upcall to the guest: a
     * non-zero mask therefore guarantees that the VCPU will not receive
     * an upcall activation. The mask is cleared when the VCPU requests
     * to block: this avoids wakeup-waiting races.
    uint8_t evtchn_upcall_pending;
    uint8_t evtchn_upcall_mask;
    unsigned long evtchn_pending_sel;
    arch_vcpu_info_t arch;
    vcpu_time_info_t time;
} vcpu_info_t; /* 64 bytes (x86) */

This is set non-zero by Xen to indicate that there are pending events to be received.
This is set non-zero to disable all interrupts for this CPU for short periods of time. If individual event channels need to be masked, the evtchn_mask in the shared_info_t is used instead.
When an event is delivered to this VCPU, a bit is set in this selector to indicate which word of the evtchn_pending array in the shared_info_t contains the event in question.
Architecture-specific VCPU info. On x86 this contains the virtualized CR2 register (page fault linear address) for this VCPU.
Time values for this VCPU.

4.1.2 vcpu_time_info

typedef struct vcpu_time_info {
     * Updates to the following values are preceded and followed by an
     * increment of 'version'. The guest can therefore detect updates by
     * looking for changes to 'version'. If the least-significant bit of
     * the version number is set then an update is in progress and the guest
     * must wait to read a consistent set of values.
     * The correct way to interact with the version number is similar to
     * Linux's seqlock: see the implementations of read_seqbegin/read_seqretry.
    uint32_t version;
    uint32_t pad0;
    uint64_t tsc_timestamp;   /* TSC at last update of time vals.  */
    uint64_t system_time;     /* Time, in nanosecs, since boot.    */
     * Current system time:
     *   system_time + ((tsc - tsc_timestamp) << tsc_shift) * tsc_to_system_mul
     * CPU frequency (Hz):
     *   ((10^9 << 32) / tsc_to_system_mul) >> tsc_shift
    uint32_t tsc_to_system_mul;
    int8_t   tsc_shift;
    int8_t   pad1[3];
} vcpu_time_info_t; /* 32 bytes */

Used to ensure the guest gets consistent time updates.
Cycle counter timestamp of last time value; could be used to expolate in between updates, for instance.
Time since boot (nanoseconds).
Cycle counter to nanoseconds multiplier (used in extrapolating current time).
Cycle counter to nanoseconds shift (used in extrapolating current time).

4.1.3 arch_shared_info_t

On x86, the arch_shared_info_t is defined as follows (from xen/public/arch-x86_32.h):

typedef struct arch_shared_info {
    unsigned long max_pfn;                  /* max pfn that appears in table */
    /* Frame containing list of mfns containing list of mfns containing p2m. */
    unsigned long pfn_to_mfn_frame_list_list; 
} arch_shared_info_t;

The maximum PFN listed in the physical-to-machine mapping table (P2M table).
Machine address of the frame that contains the machine addresses of the P2M table frames.

4.2 Start info page

The start info structure is declared as the following (in xen/include/public/xen.h):

#define MAX_GUEST_CMDLINE 1024
typedef struct start_info {
    char magic[32];             /* "Xen-<version>.<subversion>". */
    unsigned long nr_pages;     /* Total pages allocated to this domain.  */
    unsigned long shared_info;  /* MACHINE address of shared info struct. */
    uint32_t flags;             /* SIF_xxx flags.                         */
    unsigned long store_mfn;    /* MACHINE page number of shared page.    */
    uint32_t store_evtchn;      /* Event channel for store communication. */
    unsigned long console_mfn;  /* MACHINE address of console page.       */
    uint32_t console_evtchn;    /* Event channel for console messages.    */
    unsigned long pt_base;      /* VIRTUAL address of page directory.     */
    unsigned long nr_pt_frames; /* Number of bootstrap p.t. frames.       */
    unsigned long mfn_list;     /* VIRTUAL address of page-frame list.    */
    unsigned long mod_start;    /* VIRTUAL address of pre-loaded module.  */
    unsigned long mod_len;      /* Size (bytes) of pre-loaded module.     */
    int8_t cmd_line[MAX_GUEST_CMDLINE];
} start_info_t;

The fields are in two groups: the first group are always filled in when a domain is booted or resumed, the second set are only used at boot time.

The always-available group is as follows:

A text string identifying the Xen version to the guest.
The number of real machine pages available to the guest.
Machine address of the shared info structure, allowing the guest to map it during initialisation.
Flags for describing optional extra settings to the guest.
Machine address of the Xenstore communications page.
Event channel to communicate with the store.
Machine address of the console data page.
Event channel to notify the console backend.

The boot-only group may only be safely referred to during system boot:

Virtual address of the page directory created for us by the domain builder.
Number of frames used by the builders' bootstrap pagetables.
Virtual address of the list of machine frames this domain owns.
Virtual address of any pre-loaded modules (e.g. ramdisk)
Size of pre-loaded module (if any).
Kernel command line passed by the domain builder.

5. Event Channels

Event channels are the basic primitive provided by Xen for event notifications. An event is the Xen equivalent of a hardware interrupt. They essentially store one bit of information, the event of interest is signalled by transitioning this bit from 0 to 1.

Notifications are received by a guest via an upcall from Xen, indicating when an event arrives (setting the bit). Further notifications are masked until the bit is cleared again (therefore, guests must check the value of the bit after re-enabling event delivery to ensure no missed notifications).

Event notifications can be masked by setting a flag; this is equivalent to disabling interrupts and can be used to ensure atomicity of certain operations in the guest kernel.

5.1 Hypercall interface

event_channel_op(evtchn_op_t *op)

The event channel operation hypercall is used for all operations on event channels / ports. Operations are distinguished by the value of the cmd field of the op structure. The possible commands are described below:

Allocate a new event channel port, ready to be connected to by a remote domain. Unprivileged domains may only allocate their own ports, privileged domains may also allocate ports in other domains.
Bind an event channel for interdomain communications.
Allocate a port and bind a VIRQ to it.
Allocate and bind a port for notifying other virtual CPUs.
Allocate and bind a port to a real IRQ.
Close an event channel (no more events will be received).
Send a notification on an event channel attached to a port.
Query the status of a port; what kind of port, whether it is bound, what remote domain is expected, what PIRQ or VIRQ it is bound to, what VCPU will be notified, etc. Unprivileged domains may only query the state of their own ports. Privileged domains may query any port.
Bind event channel to a particular VCPU - receive notification upcalls only on that VCPU.

6. Grant tables

Xen's grant tables provide a generic mechanism to memory sharing between domains. This shared memory interface underpins the split device drivers for block and network IO.

Each domain has its own grant table. This is a data structure that is shared with Xen; it allows the domain to tell Xen what kind of permissions other domains have on its pages. Entries in the grant table are identified by grant references. A grant reference is an integer, which indexes into the grant table. It acts as a capability which the grantee can use to perform operations on the granter's memory.

This capability-based system allows shared-memory communications between unprivileged domains. A grant reference also encapsulates the details of a shared page, removing the need for a domain to know the real machine address of a page it is sharing. This makes it possible to share memory correctly with domains running in fully virtualised memory.

6.1 Interface

6.1.1 Grant table manipulation

Creating and destroying grant references is done by direct access to the grant table. This removes the need to involve Xen when creating grant references, modifying access permissions, etc. The grantee domain will invoke hypercalls to use the grant references. Four main operations can be accomplished by directly manipulating the table:

Grant foreign access
allocate a new entry in the grant table and fill out the access permissions accordingly. The access permissions will be looked up by Xen when the grantee attempts to use the reference to map the granted frame.
End foreign access
check that the grant reference is not currently in use, then remove the mapping permissions for the frame. This prevents further mappings from taking place but does not allow forced revocations of existing mappings.
Grant foreign transfer
allocate a new entry in the table specifying transfer permissions for the grantee. Xen will look up this entry when the grantee attempts to transfer a frame to the granter.
End foreign transfer
remove permissions to prevent a transfer occurring in future. If the transfer is already committed, modifying the grant table cannot prevent it from completing.

6.1.2 Hypercalls

Use of grant references is accomplished via a hypercall. The grant table op hypercall takes three arguments:

grant_table_op(unsigned int cmd, void *uop, unsigned int count)

cmd indicates the grant table operation of interest. uop is a pointer to a structure (or an array of structures) describing the operation to be performed. The count field describes how many grant table operations are being batched together.

The core logic is situated in xen/common/grant_table.c. The grant table operation hypercall can be used to perform the following actions:

Given a grant reference from another domain, map the referred page into the caller's address space.
Remove a mapping to a granted frame from the caller's address space. This is used to voluntarily relinquish a mapping to a granted page.
Setup grant table for caller domain.
Debugging operation.
Given a transfer reference from another domain, transfer ownership of a page frame to that domain.

7. Xenstore

Xenstore is the mechanism by which control-plane activities occur. These activities include:

The store is arranged as a hierachical collection of key-value pairs. Each domain has a directory hierarchy containing data related to its configuration. Domains are permitted to register for notifications about changes in subtrees of the store, and to apply changes to the store transactionally.

7.1 Guidelines

A few principles govern the operation of the store:

7.2 Store layout

There are three main paths in XenStore:

stores configuration information about domain
stores information about the domain on the local node (domid, etc.)
stores information for the various tools

The /vm path stores configuration information for a domain. This information doesn't change and is indexed by the domain's UUID. A /vm entry contains the following information:

ssid reference for domain
uuid of the domain (somewhat redundant)
the action to take on a domain reboot request (destroy or restart)
the action to take on a domain halt request (destroy or restart)
the action to take on a domain crash (destroy or restart)
the number of allocated vcpus for the domain
the amount of memory (in megabytes) for the domain Note: appears to sometimes be empty for domain-0
the number of active vcpus for the domain (vcpus - number of disabled vcpus)
the name of the domain


The image path is only available for Domain-Us and contains:

identifies the builder type (linux or vmx)
path to kernel on domain-0
command line to pass to domain-U kernel
path to ramdisk on domain-0


The /local path currently only contains one directory, /local/domain that is indexed by domain id. It contains the running domain information. The reason to have two storage areas is that during migration, the uuid doesn't change but the domain id does. The /local/domain directory can be created and populated before finalizing the migration enabling localhost to localhost migration.


This path contains:

xend start time (this is only around for domain-0)
private handle for xend
see /vm
see /vm
see /vm
see /vm
the path to the VM directory for the domain
the domain id (somewhat redundant)
indicates that the domain is currently running
the current memory in megabytes for the domain (empty for domain-0?)
the maximum memory for the domain (in kilobytes)
the memory allocated to the domain (in kilobytes)
the current CPU the domain is pinned to (empty for domain-0?)
the weight assigned to the domain
a bitmap telling the domain whether it may use a given VCPU
how many vcpus are currently online
the total number of vcpus allocated to the domain
a directory for console information
the grant table reference of the console ring queue
the event channel being used for the console ring queue (local port)
the current tty the console data is being exposed of
the limit (in bytes) of console data to buffer
a directory containing all backends the domain hosts
a directory containing vbd backends
a directory containing vbd's for domid
a directory for a particular virtual-device on domid
domain id of frontend
the path to the frontend domain
backend device number
backend sector size
0 read/write, 1 read-only (is this right?)
name of frontend domain
parameters for device
the type of the device
the virtual device (as given by the user)
output from block creation script

a directory containing vif backends
a directory containing vif's for domid
<vif number>/
a directory for each vif
the domain id of the frontend
the path to the frontend
the mac address of the vif
the bridge the vif is connected to
the handle of the vif
the script used to create/stop the vif
the name of the frontend

a directory containin vtpm backends
a directory containing vtpm's for domid
<vtpm number>/
a directory for each vtpm
the domain id of the frontend
the path to the frontend
the instance of the virtual TPM that is used
the instance number as given in the VM configuration file; may be different from instance
the name of the domain of the frontend

a directory containing the frontend devices for the domain
a directory containing vbd frontend devices for the domain
a directory containing the vbd frontend for virtual-device
the device number of the frontend device
the domain id of the backend
the path of the backend in the store (/local/domain path)
the grant table reference for the block request ring queue
the event channel used for the block request ring queue

a directory containing vif frontend devices for the domain
a directory for vif id frontend device for the domain
the backend domain id
the mac address of the vif
the internal vif handle
a path to the backend's store entry
the grant table reference for the transmission ring queue
the grant table reference for the receiving ring queue
the event channel used for the two ring queues

a directory containing the vtpm frontend device for the domain
a directory for vtpm id frontend device for the domain
the backend domain id
a path to the backend's store entry
the grant table reference for the tx/rx ring
the event channel used for the ring

miscellanous information for devices
miscellanous information for vif devices
the next device id to use

per-domain information for the store
the event channel used for the store ring queue
- the grant table reference used for the store's communication channel

- private xend information

8. Devices

Virtual devices under Xen are provided by a split device driver architecture. The illusion of the virtual device is provided by two co-operating drivers: the frontend, which runs an the unprivileged domain and the backend, which runs in a domain with access to the real device hardware (often called a driver domain; in practice domain 0 usually fulfills this function).

The frontend driver appears to the unprivileged guest as if it were a real device, for instance a block or network device. It receives IO requests from its kernel as usual, however since it does not have access to the physical hardware of the system it must then issue requests to the backend. The backend driver is responsible for receiving these IO requests, verifying that they are safe and then issuing them to the real device hardware. The backend driver appears to its kernel as a normal user of in-kernel IO functionality. When the IO completes the backend notifies the frontend that the data is ready for use; the frontend is then able to report IO completion to its own kernel.

Frontend drivers are designed to be simple; most of the complexity is in the backend, which has responsibility for translating device addresses, verifying that requests are well-formed and do not violate isolation guarantees, etc.

Split drivers exchange requests and responses in shared memory, with an event channel for asynchronous notifications of activity. When the frontend driver comes up, it uses Xenstore to set up a shared memory frame and an interdomain event channel for communications with the backend. Once this connection is established, the two can communicate directly by placing requests / responses into shared memory and then sending notifications on the event channel. This separation of notification from data transfer allows message batching, and results in very efficient device access.

This chapter focuses on some individual split device interfaces available to Xen guests.

8.1 Network I/O

Virtual network device services are provided by shared memory communication with a backend domain. From the point of view of other domains, the backend may be viewed as a virtual ethernet switch element with each domain having one or more virtual network interfaces connected to it.

From the point of view of the backend domain itself, the network backend driver consists of a number of ethernet devices. Each of these has a logical direct connection to a virtual network device in another domain. This allows the backend domain to route, bridge, firewall, etc the traffic to / from the other domains using normal operating system mechanisms.

8.1.1 Backend Packet Handling

The backend driver is responsible for a variety of actions relating to the transmission and reception of packets from the physical device. With regard to transmission, the backend performs these key actions:

On receipt of incoming packets, the backend acts as a simple demultiplexer: Packets are passed to the appropriate virtual interface after any necessary logging and accounting have been carried out.

8.1.2 Data Transfer

Each virtual interface uses two ``descriptor rings'', one for transmit, the other for receive. Each descriptor identifies a block of contiguous machine memory allocated to the domain.

The transmit ring carries packets to transmit from the guest to the backend domain. The return path of the transmit ring carries messages indicating that the contents have been physically transmitted and the backend no longer requires the associated pages of memory.

To receive packets, the guest places descriptors of unused pages on the receive ring. The backend will return received packets by exchanging these pages in the domain's memory with new pages containing the received data, and passing back descriptors regarding the new packets on the ring. This zero-copy approach allows the backend to maintain a pool of free pages to receive packets into, and then deliver them to appropriate domains after examining their headers.

If a domain does not keep its receive ring stocked with empty buffers then packets destined to it may be dropped. This provides some defence against receive livelock problems because an overloaded domain will cease to receive further data. Similarly, on the transmit path, it provides the application with feedback on the rate at which packets are able to leave the system.

Flow control on rings is achieved by including a pair of producer indexes on the shared ring page. Each side will maintain a private consumer index indicating the next outstanding message. In this manner, the domains cooperate to divide the ring into two message lists, one in each direction. Notification is decoupled from the immediate placement of new messages on the ring; the event channel will be used to generate notification when either a certain number of outstanding messages are queued, or a specified number of nanoseconds have elapsed since the oldest message was placed on the ring.

8.1.3 Network ring interface

The network device uses two shared memory rings for communication: one for transmit, one for receieve.

Transmit requests are described by the following structure:

typedef struct netif_tx_request {
    grant_ref_t gref;      /* Reference to buffer page */
    uint16_t offset;       /* Offset within buffer page */
    uint16_t flags;        /* NETTXF_* */
    uint16_t id;           /* Echoed in response message. */
    uint16_t size;         /* Packet size in bytes.       */
} netif_tx_request_t;

Grant reference for the network buffer
Offset to data
Transmit flags (currently only NETTXF_csum_blank is supported, to indicate that the protocol checksum field is incomplete).
Echoed to guest by the backend in the ring-level response so that the guest can match it to this request
Buffer size

Each transmit request is followed by a transmit response at some later date. This is part of the shared-memory communication protocol and allows the guest to (potentially) retire internal structures related to the request. It does not imply a network-level response. This structure is as follows:

typedef struct netif_tx_response {
    uint16_t id;
    int16_t  status;
} netif_tx_response_t;

Echo of the ID field in the corresponding transmit request.
Success / failure status of the transmit request.

Receive requests must be queued by the frontend, accompanied by a donation of page-frames to the backend. The backend transfers page frames full of data back to the guest

typedef struct {
    uint16_t    id;        /* Echoed in response message.        */
    grant_ref_t gref;      /* Reference to incoming granted frame */
} netif_rx_request_t;

Echoed by the frontend to identify this request when responding.
Transfer reference - the backend will use this reference to transfer a frame of network data to us.

Receive response descriptors are queued for each received frame. Note that these may only be queued in reply to an existing receive request, providing an in-built form of traffic throttling.

typedef struct {
    uint16_t id;
    uint16_t offset;       /* Offset in page of start of received packet  */
    uint16_t flags;        /* NETRXF_* */
    int16_t  status;       /* -ve: BLKIF_RSP_* ; +ve: Rx'ed pkt size. */
} netif_rx_response_t;

ID echoed from the original request, used by the guest to match this response to the original request.
Offset to data within the transferred frame.
Transmit flags (currently only NETRXF_csum_valid is supported, to indicate that the protocol checksum field has already been validated).
Success / error status for this operation.

Note that the receive protocol includes a mechanism for guests to receive incoming memory frames but there is no explicit transfer of frames in the other direction. Guests are expected to return memory to the hypervisor in order to use the network interface. They must do this or they will exceed their maximum memory reservation and will not be able to receive incoming frame transfers. When necessary, the backend is able to replenish its pool of free network buffers by claiming some of this free memory from the hypervisor.

8.2 Block I/O

All guest OS disk access goes through the virtual block device VBD interface. This interface allows domains access to portions of block storage devices visible to the the block backend device. The VBD interface is a split driver, similar to the network interface described above. A single shared memory ring is used between the frontend and backend drivers for each virtual device, across which IO requests and responses are sent.

Any block device accessible to the backend domain, including network-based block (iSCSI, *NBD, etc), loopback and LVM/MD devices, can be exported as a VBD. Each VBD is mapped to a device node in the guest, specified in the guest's startup configuration.

8.2.1 Data Transfer

The per-(virtual)-device ring between the guest and the block backend supports two messages:

Read data from the specified block device. The front end identifies the device and location to read from and attaches pages for the data to be copied to (typically via DMA from the device). The backend acknowledges completed read requests as they finish.

Write data to the specified block device. This functions essentially as READ, except that the data moves to the device instead of from it.

8.2.2 Block ring interface

The block interface is defined by the structures passed over the shared memory interface. These structures are either requests (from the frontend to the backend) or responses (from the backend to the frontend).

The request structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct blkif_request {
    uint8_t        operation;    /* BLKIF_OP_???                         */
    uint8_t        nr_segments;  /* number of segments                   */
    blkif_vdev_t   handle;       /* only for read/write requests         */
    uint64_t       id;           /* private guest value, echoed in resp  */
    blkif_sector_t sector_number;/* start sector idx on disk (r/w only)  */
    struct blkif_request_segment {
        grant_ref_t gref;        /* reference to I/O buffer frame        */
        /* @first_sect: first sector in frame to transfer (inclusive).   */
        /* @last_sect: last sector in frame to transfer (inclusive).     */
        uint8_t     first_sect, last_sect;
} blkif_request_t;

The fields are as follows:

operation ID: one of the operations described above
number of segments for scatter / gather IO described by this request
identifier for a particular virtual device on this interface
this value is echoed in the response message for this IO; the guest may use it to identify the original request
start sector on the virtal device for this request
This array contains structures encoding scatter-gather IO to be performed:
The grant reference for the foreign I/O buffer page.
First sector to access within the buffer page (0 to 7).
Last sector to access within the buffer page (0 to 7).
Data will be transferred into frames at an offset determined by the value of first_sect.

8.3 Virtual TPM

Virtual TPM (VTPM) support provides TPM functionality to each virtual machine that requests this functionality in its configuration file. The interface enables domains to access therr own private TPM like it was a hardware TPM built into the machine.

The virtual TPM interface is implemented as a split driver, similar to the network and block interfaces described above. The user domain hosting the frontend exports a character device /dev/tpm0 to user-level applications for communicating with the virtual TPM. This is the same device interface that is also offered if a hardware TPM is available in the system. The backend provides a single interface /dev/vtpm where the virtual TPM is waiting for commands from all domains that have located their backend in a given domain.

8.3.1 Data Transfer

A single shared memory ring is used between the frontend and backend drivers. TPM requests and responses are sent in pages where a pointer to those pages and other information is placed into the ring such that the backend can map the pages into its memory space using the grant table mechanism.

The backend driver has been implemented to only accept well-formed TPM requests. To meet this requirement, the length inidicator in the TPM request must correctly indicate the length of the request. Otherwise an error message is automatically sent back by the device driver.

The virtual TPM implementation listenes for TPM request on /dev/vtpm. Since it must be able to apply the TPM request packet to the virtual TPM instance associated with the virtual machine, a 4-byte virtual TPM instance identifier is prepended to each packet by the backend driver (in network byte order) for internal routing of the request.

8.3.2 Virtual TPM ring interface

The TPM protocol is a strict request/response protocol and therefore only one ring is used to send requests from the frontend to the backend and responses on the reverse path.

The request/response structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct {
    unsigned long addr;     /* Machine address of packet.     */
    grant_ref_t ref;        /* grant table access reference.  */
    uint16_t unused;        /* unused                         */
    uint16_t size;          /* Packet size in bytes.          */
} tpmif_tx_request_t;

The fields are as follows:

The machine address of the page asscoiated with the TPM request/response; a request/response may span multiple pages
The grant table reference associated with the address.
The size of the remaining packet; up to PAGESIZE bytes can be found in the page referenced by 'addr'

The frontend initially allocates several pages whose addresses are stored in the ring. Only these pages are used for exchange of requests and responses.

9. Further Information

If you have questions that are not answered by this manual, the sources of information listed below may be of interest to you. Note that bug reports, suggestions and contributions related to the software (or the documentation) should be sent to the Xen developers' mailing list (address below).

9.1 Other documentation

If you are mainly interested in using (rather than developing for) Xen, the Xen Users' Manual is distributed in the docs/ directory of the Xen source distribution.

9.2 Online references

The official Xen web site can be found at:

This contains links to the latest versions of all online documentation, including the latest version of the FAQ.

Information regarding Xen is also available at the Xen Wiki at
The Xen project uses Bugzilla as its bug tracking system. You'll find the Xen Bugzilla at

9.3 Mailing lists

There are several mailing lists that are used to discuss Xen related topics. The most widely relevant are listed below. An official page of mailing lists and subscription information can be found at

[email protected]
Used for development discussions and bug reports. Subscribe at:
[email protected]
Used for installation and usage discussions and requests for help. Subscribe at:
[email protected]
Used for announcements only. Subscribe at:
[email protected]
Changelog feed from the unstable and 2.0 trees - developer oriented. Subscribe at:

A. Xen Hypercalls

Hypercalls represent the procedural interface to Xen; this appendix categorizes and describes the current set of hypercalls.

A.1 Invoking Hypercalls

Hypercalls are invoked in a manner analogous to system calls in a conventional operating system; a software interrupt is issued which vectors to an entry point within Xen. On x86/32 machines the instruction required is int $82; the (real) IDT is setup so that this may only be issued from within ring 1. The particular hypercall to be invoked is contained in EAX -- a list mapping these values to symbolic hypercall names can be found in xen/include/public/xen.h.

On some occasions a set of hypercalls will be required to carry out a higher-level function; a good example is when a guest operating wishes to context switch to a new process which requires updating various privileged CPU state. As an optimization for these cases, there is a generic mechanism to issue a set of hypercalls as a batch:

multicall(void *call_list, int nr_calls)

Execute a series of hypervisor calls; nr_calls is the length of the array of multicall_entry_t structures pointed to be call_list. Each entry contains the hypercall operation code followed by up to 7 word-sized arguments.

Note that multicalls are provided purely as an optimization; there is no requirement to use them when first porting a guest operating system.

A.2 Virtual CPU Setup

At start of day, a guest operating system needs to setup the virtual CPU it is executing on. This includes installing vectors for the virtual IDT so that the guest OS can handle interrupts, page faults, etc. However the very first thing a guest OS must setup is a pair of hypervisor callbacks: these are the entry points which Xen will use when it wishes to notify the guest OS of an occurrence.

set_callbacks(unsigned long event_selector, unsigned long event_address, unsigned long failsafe_selector, unsigned long failsafe_address)

Register the normal (``event'') and failsafe callbacks for event processing. In each case the code segment selector and address within that segment are provided. The selectors must have RPL 1; in XenLinux we simply use the kernel's CS for both event_selector and failsafe_selector.

The value event_address specifies the address of the guest OSes event handling and dispatch routine; the failsafe_address specifies a separate entry point which is used only if a fault occurs when Xen attempts to use the normal callback.

On x86/64 systems the hypercall takes slightly different arguments. This is because callback CS does not need to be specified (since teh callbacks are entered via SYSRET), and also because an entry address needs to be specified for SYSCALLs from guest user space:

set_callbacks(unsigned long event_address, unsigned long failsafe_address, unsigned long syscall_address)

After installing the hypervisor callbacks, the guest OS can install a `virtual IDT' by using the following hypercall:

set_trap_table(trap_info_t *table)

Install one or more entries into the per-domain trap handler table (essentially a software version of the IDT). Each entry in the array pointed to by table includes the exception vector number with the corresponding segment selector and entry point. Most guest OSes can use the same handlers on Xen as when running on the real hardware.

A further hypercall is provided for the management of virtual CPUs:

vcpu_op(int cmd, int vcpuid, void *extra_args)

This hypercall can be used to bootstrap VCPUs, to bring them up and down and to test their current status.

A.3 Scheduling and Timer

Domains are preemptively scheduled by Xen according to the parameters installed by domain 0 (see Section A.10). In addition, however, a domain may choose to explicitly control certain behavior with the following hypercall:

sched_op_new(int cmd, void *extra_args)

Request scheduling operation from hypervisor. The following sub-commands are available:

voluntarily yields the CPU, but leaves the caller marked as runnable. No extra arguments are passed to this command.
removes the calling domain from the run queue and causes it to sleep until an event is delivered to it. No extra arguments are passed to this command.
is used to end the calling domain's execution. The extra argument is a sched_shutdown structure which indicates the reason why the domain suspended (e.g., for reboot, halt, power-off).
allows a VCPU to wait on a set of event channels with an optional timeout (all of which are specified in the sched_poll extra argument). The semantics are similar to the UNIX poll system call. The caller must have event-channel upcalls masked when executing this command.

sched_op_new was not available prior to Xen 3.0.2. Older versions provide only the following hypercall:

sched_op(int cmd, unsigned long extra_arg)

This hypercall supports the following subset of sched_op_new commands:

(extra argument is 0).
(extra argument is 0).
(extra argument is numeric reason code).

To aid the implementation of a process scheduler within a guest OS, Xen provides a virtual programmable timer:

set_timer_op(uint64_t timeout)

Request a timer event to be sent at the specified system time (time in nanoseconds since system boot).

Note that calling set_timer_op prior to sched_op allows block-with-timeout semantics.

A.4 Page Table Management

Since guest operating systems have read-only access to their page tables, Xen must be involved when making any changes. The following multi-purpose hypercall can be used to modify page-table entries, update the machine-to-physical mapping table, flush the TLB, install a new page-table base pointer, and more.

mmu_update(mmu_update_t *req, int count, int *success_count)

Update the page table for the domain; a set of count updates are submitted for processing in a batch, with success_count being updated to report the number of successful updates.

Each element of req[] contains a pointer (address) and value; the least significant 2-bits of the pointer are used to distinguish the type of update requested as follows:

update a page directory entry or page table entry to the associated value; Xen will check that the update is safe, as described in Chapter 3.

update an entry in the machine-to-physical table. The calling domain must own the machine page in question (or be privileged).

Explicitly updating batches of page table entries is extremely efficient, but can require a number of alterations to the guest OS. Using the writable page table mode (Chapter 3) is recommended for new OS ports.

Regardless of which page table update mode is being used, however, there are some occasions (notably handling a demand page fault) where a guest OS will wish to modify exactly one PTE rather than a batch, and where that PTE is mapped into the current address space. This is catered for by the following:

update_va_mapping(unsigned long va, uint64_t val, unsigned long flags)

Update the currently installed PTE that maps virtual address va to new value val. As with mmu_update, Xen checks the modification is safe before applying it. The flags determine which kind of TLB flush, if any, should follow the update.

Finally, sufficiently privileged domains may occasionally wish to manipulate the pages of others:

update_va_mapping(unsigned long va, uint64_t val, unsigned long flags, domid_t domid)

Identical to update_va_mapping save that the pages being mapped must belong to the domain domid.

An additional MMU hypercall provides an ``extended command'' interface. This provides additional functionality beyond the basic table updating commands:

mmuext_op(struct mmuext_op *op, int count, int *success_count, domid_t domid)

This hypercall is used to perform additional MMU operations. These include updating cr3 (or just re-installing it for a TLB flush), requesting various kinds of TLB flush, flushing the cache, installing a new LDT, or pinning & unpinning page-table pages (to ensure their reference count doesn't drop to zero which would require a revalidation of all entries). Some of the operations available are restricted to domains with sufficient system privileges.

It is also possible for privileged domains to reassign page ownership via an extended MMU operation, although grant tables are used instead of this where possible; see Section A.8.

Finally, a hypercall interface is exposed to activate and deactivate various optional facilities provided by Xen for memory management.

vm_assist(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int type)

Toggle various memory management modes (in particular writable page tables).

A.5 Segmentation Support

Xen allows guest OSes to install a custom GDT if they require it; this is context switched transparently whenever a domain is [de]scheduled. The following hypercall is effectively a `safe' version of lgdt:

set_gdt(unsigned long *frame_list, int entries)

Install a global descriptor table for a domain; frame_list is an array of up to 16 machine page frames within which the GDT resides, with entries being the actual number of descriptor-entry slots. All page frames must be mapped read-only within the guest's address space, and the table must be large enough to contain Xen's reserved entries (see xen/include/public/arch-x86_32.h).

Many guest OSes will also wish to install LDTs; this is achieved by using mmu_update with an extended command, passing the linear address of the LDT base along with the number of entries. No special safety checks are required; Xen needs to perform this task simply since lldt requires CPL 0.

Xen also allows guest operating systems to update just an individual segment descriptor in the GDT or LDT:

update_descriptor(uint64_t ma, uint64_t desc)

Update the GDT/LDT entry at machine address ma; the new 8-byte descriptor is stored in desc. Xen performs a number of checks to ensure the descriptor is valid.

Guest OSes can use the above in place of context switching entire LDTs (or the GDT) when the number of changing descriptors is small.

A.6 Context Switching

When a guest OS wishes to context switch between two processes, it can use the page table and segmentation hypercalls described above to perform the the bulk of the privileged work. In addition, however, it will need to invoke Xen to switch the kernel (ring 1) stack pointer:

stack_switch(unsigned long ss, unsigned long esp)

Request kernel stack switch from hypervisor; ss is the new stack segment, which esp is the new stack pointer.

A useful hypercall for context switching allows ``lazy'' save and restore of floating point state:

fpu_taskswitch(int set)

This call instructs Xen to set the TS bit in the cr0 control register; this means that the next attempt to use floating point will cause a trap which the guest OS can trap. Typically it will then save/restore the FP state, and clear the TS bit, using the same call.

This is provided as an optimization only; guest OSes can also choose to save and restore FP state on all context switches for simplicity.

Finally, a hypercall is provided for entering vm86 mode:


This allows the guest to run code in vm86 mode, which is needed for some legacy software.

A.7 Physical Memory Management

As mentioned previously, each domain has a maximum and current memory allocation. The maximum allocation, set at domain creation time, cannot be modified. However a domain can choose to reduce and subsequently grow its current allocation by using the following call:

memory_op(unsigned int op, void *arg)

Increase or decrease current memory allocation (as determined by the value of op). The available operations are:

Request an increase in machine memory allocation; arg must point to a xen_memory_reservation structure.
Request a decrease in machine memory allocation; arg must point to a xen_memory_reservation structure.
Request the frame number of the highest-addressed frame of machine memory in the system. arg must point to an unsigned long where this value will be stored.
Returns current memory reservation of the specified domain.
Returns maximum memory resrevation of the specified domain.

In addition to simply reducing or increasing the current memory allocation via a `balloon driver', this call is also useful for obtaining contiguous regions of machine memory when required (e.g. for certain PCI devices, or if using superpages).

A.8 Inter-Domain Communication

Xen provides a simple asynchronous notification mechanism via event channels. Each domain has a set of end-points (or ports) which may be bound to an event source (e.g. a physical IRQ, a virtual IRQ, or an port in another domain). When a pair of end-points in two different domains are bound together, then a `send' operation on one will cause an event to be received by the destination domain.

The control and use of event channels involves the following hypercall:

event_channel_op(evtchn_op_t *op)

Inter-domain event-channel management; op is a discriminated union which allows the following 7 operations:

allocate a free (unbound) local port and prepare for connection from a specified domain.
bind a local port to a virtual IRQ; any particular VIRQ can be bound to at most one port per domain.
bind a local port to a physical IRQ; once more, a given pIRQ can be bound to at most one port per domain. Furthermore the calling domain must be sufficiently privileged.
construct an interdomain event channel; in general, the target domain must have previously allocated an unbound port for this channel, although this can be bypassed by privileged domains during domain setup.
close an interdomain event channel.
send an event to the remote end of a interdomain event channel.
determine the current status of a local port.

For more details see xen/include/public/event_channel.h.

Event channels are the fundamental communication primitive between Xen domains and seamlessly support SMP. However they provide little bandwidth for communication per se, and hence are typically married with a piece of shared memory to produce effective and high-performance inter-domain communication.

Safe sharing of memory pages between guest OSes is carried out by granting access on a per page basis to individual domains. This is achieved by using the grant_table_op hypercall.

grant_table_op(unsigned int cmd, void *uop, unsigned int count)

Used to invoke operations on a grant reference, to setup the grant table and to dump the tables' contents for debugging.

A.9 IO Configuration

Domains with physical device access (i.e. driver domains) receive limited access to certain PCI devices (bus address space and interrupts). However many guest operating systems attempt to determine the PCI configuration by directly access the PCI BIOS, which cannot be allowed for safety.

Instead, Xen provides the following hypercall:

physdev_op(void *physdev_op)

Set and query IRQ configuration details, set the system IOPL, set the TSS IO bitmap.

For examples of using physdev_op, see the Xen-specific PCI code in the linux sparse tree.

A.10 Administrative Operations

A large number of control operations are available to a sufficiently privileged domain (typically domain 0). These allow the creation and management of new domains, for example. A complete list is given below: for more details on any or all of these, please see xen/include/public/dom0_ops.h

dom0_op(dom0_op_t *op)

Administrative domain operations for domain management. The options are:

get list of pages used by the domain


adjust scheduling priorities for domain

create a new domain

deallocate all resources associated with a domain

remove a domain from the scheduler run queue.

mark a paused domain as schedulable once again.

get statistics about the domain

set VCPU-related attributes

read or write model specific registers

interactively invoke the debugger

set system time


read console content from hypervisor buffer ring

pin domain to a particular CPU

get and set trace buffer attributes

get information about the host machine

get the ID of the current Xen scheduler

switch between shadow page-table modes

set maximum memory allocation of a domain

batched interface for getting page frame info

set MTRRs

remove a memory type range

read MTRR

control Xen's software performance counters

update CPU microcode

modify domain permissions for an IO port range (enable / disable a range for a particular domain)

get context from a VCPU

get current state for a VCPU
batched interface to get domain info

inform Xen of a platform quirk it needs to handle (e.g. noirqbalance)

get info about dom0's memory map

change max number of VCPUs for a domain

set the handle for a domain

Most of the above are best understood by looking at the code implementing them (in xen/common/dom0_ops.c) and in the user-space tools that use them (mostly in tools/libxc).

Hypercalls relating to the management of the Access Control Module are also restricted to domain 0 access for now:

acm_op(struct acm_op * u_acm_op)

This hypercall can be used to configure the state of the ACM, query that state, request access control decisions and dump additional information.

A.11 Debugging Hypercalls

A few additional hypercalls are mainly useful for debugging:

console_io(int cmd, int count, char *str)

Use Xen to interact with the console; operations are:

CONSOLEIO_write: Output count characters from buffer str.

CONSOLEIO_read: Input at most count characters into buffer str.

A pair of hypercalls allows access to the underlying debug registers:

set_debugreg(int reg, unsigned long value)

Set debug register reg to value

get_debugreg(int reg)

Return the contents of the debug register reg

And finally:

xen_version(int cmd)

Request Xen version number.

This is useful to ensure that user-space tools are in sync with the underlying hypervisor.

Xen Daemon 2006-08-15