4.3 Creating a controller

The GreenPages application uses Spring’s @MVC style of web application development. A central type of this development style is the controller class.

Importing the greenpages.web project

The GreenPages application is divided up into a number of OSGi bundles that are represented as Eclipse projects. In this step the starting version of the greenpages.web project is imported.

Right-click in the Package Explorer view and select Import…. In the dialog that opens, choose GeneralExisting Projects into Workspace and select Next. In the following dialog set the root directory field to the value of $GREENPAGES_HOME/start/greenpages.web and press Finish.

Initially this project will have compile failures in it; this is to be expected.

When Eclipse finishes importing the project, go to the next step.

Creating the controller class

Create a new class by right-clicking on the greenpages.web package in the src/main/java source folder and selecting NewClass. (If Class is not offered on the New menu, then the Java perspective may not be being used. Look for the Class option under Other… in the Java section.) Name the new class GreenPagesController and press Finish.

Next add the following code to the GreenPagesController class.

public class GreenPagesController {

    public void home() {

This will not compile. Eclipse will offer (as a Quick Fix) to insert imports for Spring Framework annotations Controller and RequestMapping; these should be accepted. After these changes, save the file and go to the next step.

Enable component scanning

Once the controller is written, Spring needs to be told to instantiate a bean of the controller type. In this step you enable Spring’s component scanning to detect the GreenPagesController class.

Open the META-INF/spring/module-context.xml file in the src/main/resources source folder. Switch to the Source pane:

In this file add the following line.

<context:component-scan base-package="greenpages.web"/>

When this is complete save the file and go to the next step.