Appendix B. Test Cluster

Here are brief setup instructions for setting up a local Vagrant DC/OS Mesos cluster. The DC/OS Dashboard endpoint will be http://m1.dcos, the Mesos endpoint will be http://m1.dcos/mesos, the Marathon endpoint will be http://m1.dcos/marathon and the Chronos endpoint will be http://m1.dcos/service/chronos.

Detailed installation instructions are here:

B.1 Clone and Download files

First clone the dcos-vagrant project:

git clone

Download the DC/OS version you want to use, we used version 1.8.1 from, and place this file in the root directory of the cloned dcos-project.

Copy the config example file. From the root directory of the dcos-vagrant project execute:

cp VagrantConfig.yaml.example VagrantConfig.yaml

Update the etc/config-1.8.yaml file. Add a line with

oauth_enabled: 'false'

to the end of this file and save it. This will disable any security for the cluster.

B.2 Start Vagrant VMs for the Mesos cluster

You need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox. We used the DC/OS version 1.8.1 with Vagrant version 1.8.4.

Install Vagrant Host Manager Plugin if it isn’t already installed:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

Before we start the cluster we should define the config file we want to use:

export DCOS_CONFIG_PATH=etc/config-1.8.yaml

Now we are ready to start the Vagrant VMs. You can select different cluster configurations depending on your needs. We have tested using a single master, three private agents and one bootstrap node using this command:

vagrant up m1 a1 a2 a3 boot

When you are done with the Mesos cluster you can destroy it using:

vagrant destroy -f

B.3 Install Chronos as a Service running in Marathon

You can install Chronos by using the following dcos command. This requires that you install the DC/OS CLI.

dcos package install chronos