
Stackato supports deploying Clojure applications using leiningen.

To create a new Clojure web application, install leiningen and Noir (a Clojure web framework):

$ lein plugin install lein-noir 1.1.0

Create a Noir project:

$ lein noir new myapp
$ cd myapp/

Now, deploy to Stackato, accepting the defaults for each prompt:

$ stackato push myapp
Application Deployed URL: 'myapp.stackato-xxxx.local'?
Starting Application: OK

Open the application URL in your browser to see the default Noir welcome page.

Clojure Database Services Example

Taken from the 4clojure sample app:

(defn assoc-cloud-env
  "Import Cloud Foundry / Stackato environment settings"
  (let [port (Integer/parseInt (System/getenv "PORT"))
        srv  (parse-string (System/getenv "VCAP_SERVICES"))
        cred ((first (srv "mongodb-1.8")) "credentials")]
    (assoc config
      :jetty-port port
      :db-host    (cred "host")
      :db-port    (cred "port")
      :db-user    (cred "username")
      :db-pwd     (cred "password")
      :db-dbname  (cred "db"))))

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