MCoeControlStateObserver Class Reference

class MCoeControlStateObserver

This class defines an interface which will given notification of when a CCoeControl changes its visibility or dimmed state.

Private Member Functions
TInt HandleControlStateChange(CCoeControl *, TCoeState)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTCoeState { EStateDimmed, EStateVisibility }

Member Functions Documentation

HandleControlStateChange(CCoeControl *, TCoeState)

TInt HandleControlStateChange(CCoeControl *aControl,
)[private, pure virtual]

If an object implementing this interface has been attached to the MObjectProvider hierarchy in which a CCoeControl is a member, any call to the CCoeControl's SetDimmed() or MakeVisible() (that results in an actual state change) will trigger a call to this interface.

A system wide error code, currently ignored but may not be in future.


CCoeControl * aControlA pointer to the control that has changed.
TCoeState aStateAn enum from TCoeState to say how the control has changed.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TCoeState



This enum is used to say that the control has changed its Dimmed state


This enum is used to say that the control has changed its Visibility state