CEikScrollBarFrame Class Reference

class CEikScrollBarFrame : public CBase

The scroll bar frame is a control assemblage manager that relates a control, or control body, to two scroll bars and a corner window. A corner window is that part of the screen that is common to both the horizontal, and the vertical elements of a scroll bar.

This class helps with access to, and set up of, scroll bars and also with the layout of the scrolled control or control body. A scroll bar frame is not a control, but it does implement the standard control composite pattern to manage the assemblage.

Inherits from

Nested Classes and Structures

Public Member Functions
CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl *, MEikScrollBarObserver *, TBool)
CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl *, MEikScrollBarObserver *, TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *ComponentControl(TInt)
IMPORT_C TIntCountComponentControls()
IMPORT_C voidCreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBool, TBool, TBool, TBool)
voidDisconnectExternalScrollBar(CEikScrollBar *)
IMPORT_C TIntDrawBackground(TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C TIntDrawBackgroundState(TBool &, TBool &)
IMPORT_C voidDrawScrollBarsNow()
IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar *GetScrollBarHandle(CEikScrollBar::TOrientation)
CEikScrollBar *HorizontalScrollBar()
voidInitExtension(CCoeControl *, MEikScrollBarObserver *)
IMPORT_C TBoolIsArrowHeadScrollBar(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidMoveHorizThumbTo(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidMoveThumbsBy(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidMoveVertThumbTo(TInt)
IMPORT_C TIntScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::TOrientation)
IMPORT_C TBoolScrollBarExists(CEikScrollBar::TOrientation)
MEikScrollBarObserver *ScrollBarFrameObserver()
IMPORT_C TScrollBarVisibilityScrollBarVisibility(CEikScrollBar::TOrientation)
IMPORT_C voidSetAdjustsHorizontalModel(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetAdjustsVerticalModel(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetScrollBarFrameObserver(MEikScrollBarObserver *)
IMPORT_C voidSetScrollBarVisibilityL(TScrollBarVisibility, TScrollBarVisibility)
IMPORT_C voidSetTypeOfHScrollBar(TScrollBarType)
IMPORT_C voidSetTypeOfVScrollBar(TScrollBarType)
IMPORT_C voidSetVFocusPosToThumbPos(TInt)
IMPORT_C TBoolTile(TEikScrollBarModel *)
IMPORT_C voidTile(TEikScrollBarModel *, TRect &)
IMPORT_C voidTile(TEikScrollBarModel *, TEikScrollBarModel *)
IMPORT_C TBoolTileL(TEikScrollBarModel *, TEikScrollBarModel *, TRect &, TRect &, const TEikScrollBarFrameLayout &)
IMPORT_C TScrollBarTypeTypeOfHScrollBar()
IMPORT_C TScrollBarTypeTypeOfVScrollBar()
TScrollBarVisibility VScrollBarVisibility()
IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar *VerticalScrollBar()
Protected Member Functions
CCoeControl *ParentWindow()
voidSetParentWindow(CCoeControl *)
Private Member Functions
voidApplyModel(SBarData &)
voidCalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel *)
voidCalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel *, const TEikScrollBarModel *)
CEikCba *GetCurrentCba()
voidMakeSBarVisible(SBarData &, TBool)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTScrollBarFrameFlags { EHVisible = 0x01, EVVisible = 0x02, EEnableNudgeButtons = 0x04, EDisableExpandedTouchArea = 0x08 }
enumTScrollBarManagement { EComponent, EFloating, EApplicationScrollBar }
enumTScrollBarSide { EBottomOrRight = 0x0, ETopOrLeft = 0x800 }
enumTScrollBarType { ENormalScrollBar = 0x0, EArrowHead = 0x200, EDoubleSpan = 0x400 }
enumTScrollBarVisibility { EOff, EOn, EAuto }
Private Member Enumerations
enumTMarginsAdjustmentMode { EGrow, EShrink }
Protected Attributes
SBarData iV
Private Attributes
CEikScrollBarFrameExtension *iExtension
TInt iScrollBarFrameFlags

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor.

CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl *, MEikScrollBarObserver *, TBool)

IMPORT_CCEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl *aParentWindow,
MEikScrollBarObserver *aObserver,
TBoolaPreAlloc = EFalse

Constructor. Constructs a scroll bar frame object.


CCoeControl * aParentWindowThe scroll bar s parent control.
MEikScrollBarObserver * aObserverThe scroll bar observer.
TBool aPreAlloc = EFalseNot used.

CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl *, MEikScrollBarObserver *, TBool, TBool)

CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl *aParentWindow,
MEikScrollBarObserver *aObserver,

Constructor. Internal only to Eikcoctl.lib use. Parameter aDoubleSpan offers possibility to optimize scroll bar loading (if ETrue, arrowhead scroll bar will never be loaded).

S60 3.0


CCoeControl * aParentWindowThe scroll bar s parent control.
MEikScrollBarObserver * aObserverThe scroll bar observer.
TBool aPreAllocNot used.
TBool aDoubleSpanIf ETrue, spanned scroll bar is created.




Member Functions Documentation

ApplyModel(SBarData &)

voidApplyModel(SBarData &aSBar)[private]


SBarData & aSBar

CalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel *)

voidCalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel *aVModel)[private]


const TEikScrollBarModel * aVModel

CalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel *, const TEikScrollBarModel *)

voidCalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel *aVModel,
const TEikScrollBarModel *aHModel


const TEikScrollBarModel * aVModel
const TEikScrollBarModel * aHModel


IMPORT_C CCoeControl *ComponentControl(TIntaIndex)const

From CCoeControl

Gets the component specified by index. Within a compound control, each component control is identified by an index, where the index depends on the order the controls were added: the first is given an index of 0, the next an index of 1, and so on.

The component control with an index of aIndex


TInt aIndex


IMPORT_C TIntCountComponentControls()const

From CCoeControl

Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control.

The number of component controls contained in this control.



CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBool, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBoolaWindowOwning,

This method creates double span type scrollbars into this frame. Old scrollbars are deleted or disconnected.

S60 2.6

Example of use:

    iSBFrame=new(ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame(this, NULL, ETrue);
    iSBFrame->CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(ETrue, EFalse);

    Note that double span scrollbar types requires different model classes
    to be used in places of @c TEikScrollBarModel of this scrollbar frame 
    API:s other method calls.
    Scrollbar type        Required model (in places of TEikScrollBarModel)
    ---------------       ------------------------------------------------
    EDoubleSpan           TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel 
    EArrowHead            TEikScrollBarModel

   // model for double span type scrollbar
   TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel vModel; 
   // model for double span type scrollbar
   TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel hModel; 
   iSBFrame->Tile(vModel, iVRect);


TBool aWindowOwningTells wheter created scrollbar should be a window owning control or not. Selection for this is relevant especially because skinned scrollbar draws
TBool aRemoteTrue if this method should instead of creating own scrollbar try to connect to a remote scrollbar frame and start using its scrollbars. Connecting is done using through object provider mechanism, so the object supply chain must be valid. Also if true, then parameter aWindowOwning will be ignored.

CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBool, TBool, TBool, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBoolaWindowOwning,

This method creates double span type scrollbars into this frame. Old scrollbars are deleted or disconnected.

S60 2.8


KErrNotFound Parent object doesn't have scrollbar frame.


TBool aWindowOwningTells wheter created scrollbar should be a window owning control or not. Selection for this is relevant especially because skinned scrollbar draws its background using its parent windows background context.
TBool aRemoteTrue if this method should instead of creating own scrollbar try to connect to a remote scrollbar frame and start using its scrollbars. Connecting is done using through object provider mechanism, so the object supply chain must be valid. Also if true, then parameter aWindowOwning will be ignored.
TBool aVerticalIf ETrue vertical scrollbar will be created to scrollbar frame.
TBool aHorizontalIf ETrue horizontal scrollbar will be created to scrollbar frame.



DisconnectExternalScrollBar(CEikScrollBar *)

voidDisconnectExternalScrollBar(CEikScrollBar *aScrollBar)

This method is used only internally by the CEikScrollBar. Disconnects externally connected scrollbar.


CEikScrollBar * aScrollBarScrollbar to be disconnected.

DrawBackground(TBool, TBool)

IMPORT_C TIntDrawBackground(TBoolaDrawHorizontal,

Sets the background drawing for the double spanned scrollbars

This method can be used to enable or disable the drawing of the scrollbar background via mop chain.


Success of the call, KErrNotSupported if the scrollbars are not doublespan scrollbars.


TBool aDrawHorizontalsets the state of the background drawing of the horizontal scrollbar.
TBool aDrawVerticalsets the state of the background drawing of the vertical scrollbar.

DrawBackgroundState(TBool &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TIntDrawBackgroundState(TBool &aDrawHorizontal,
TBool &aDrawVertical

Gets the state of the background drawing for the double spanned scrollbars.

This method can be used to get the state of drawing of the scrollbar background via mop chain.


Success of the call, KErrNotSupported if the scrollbars are not doublespan scrollbars.


TBool & aDrawHorizontalgets the state of the background drawing of the horizontal scrollbar.
TBool & aDrawVerticalgets the state of the background drawing of the vertical scrollbar.



Tell scroll bars and the corner window to redraw if it is visible


IMPORT_C voidDrawScrollBarsNow()const

Forces any scroll bars and the corner window if it is visible to be redrawn.


CEikCba *GetCurrentCba()[private]


IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar *GetScrollBarHandle(CEikScrollBar::TOrientationaOrientation)const

Returns a pointer to the scroll bar identified by orientation aOrientation.

A pointer to the scroll bar with orientation aOrientation if the scrollbar is visible.


CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientationThe orientation of the scroll bar for which you wish to obtain a pointer.




TBool aDoubleSpan


CEikScrollBar *HorizontalScrollBar()const

Gets a pointer to the horizontal scroll bar.

A pointer to the horizontal scroll bar.

InitExtension(CCoeControl *, MEikScrollBarObserver *)

voidInitExtension(CCoeControl *aParentWindow,
MEikScrollBarObserver *aObserver

Initializes a new CEikScrollBarFrameExtension object.

S60 3.0


CCoeControl * aParentWindowThe scroll bar s parent control.
MEikScrollBarObserver * aObserverThe scroll bar observer.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsArrowHeadScrollBar(TIntaFlag)const

Checks if the vertical scrollbar type is EArrowHead.

ETrue if the type of the scrollbar is EArrowHead.


TInt aFlagNot used.

MakeSBarVisible(SBarData &, TBool)

voidMakeSBarVisible(SBarData &aSBar,


SBarData & aSBar
TBool aVisible


IMPORT_C voidMoveHorizThumbTo(TIntaHorizThumbPos)

Moves the horizontal scroll bar thumb to the position aHorizThumbPos. This function is used to update the scroll bar after an external scroll. The value of aThumbPos should be supplied in terms of the scrolling model, which is presumed not to have changed spans.


TInt aHorizThumbPosThe required thumb position.

MoveThumbsBy(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidMoveThumbsBy(TIntaDeltaX,

Moves the scroll bar thumbs by the specified amounts. This updates the scroll bars after an external scroll. The values of the parameters should be supplied in terms of the horizontal and vertical scrolling models respectively. The scrolling models are presumed not to have changed spans.


TInt aDeltaXThe amount to move the horizontal scroll bar.
TInt aDeltaYThe amount to move the vertical scroll bar.


IMPORT_C voidMoveVertThumbTo(TIntaVertThumbPos)

Moves the vertical scroll bar thumb to the position aVertThumbPos. This function is used to update the scroll bar after an external scroll. The value of aThumbPos should be supplied in terms of the scrolling model, which is presumed not to have changed spans.


TInt aVertThumbPosThe required thumb position.


CCoeControl *ParentWindow()const [protected]

Gets a pointer to the parent window.

A pointer to the parent window.


IMPORT_C TIntScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::TOrientationaOrientation)const

Returns the breadth of the scroll bar idenitified by aOrientation, or zero if none exists.

The specified scroll bar's breadth. This is zero if none exists.


CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientationThe orientation of the scroll bar for which you wish to obtain the breadth.


IMPORT_C TBoolScrollBarExists(CEikScrollBar::TOrientationaOrientation)const

Determines whether the scroll bar specified by aOrientation exists

ETrue if the specified scroll bar exists otherwise EFalse.


CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientationThe scroll bar s orientation.


MEikScrollBarObserver *ScrollBarFrameObserver()

Sets scrollbar observers.


IMPORT_C TScrollBarVisibilityScrollBarVisibility(CEikScrollBar::TOrientationaOrientation)const

Gets the visibility of given scrollbar orientation.

This method should be used instead of a deprecated method CEikScrollBarFrame::HScrollBarVisibility() and also can be used instead of CEikScrollBarFrame::VScrollBarVisibility()

S60 2.6

The visibility of requested scrollbar.


CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientationThe orientation of a scrollbar in the frame.


IMPORT_C voidSetAdjustsHorizontalModel(TBoolaAdjusts)

Not implemented.


TBool aAdjustsNot used.


IMPORT_C voidSetAdjustsVerticalModel(TBoolaAdjusts)

Not implemented.


TBool aAdjustsNot used.

SetParentWindow(CCoeControl *)

voidSetParentWindow(CCoeControl *aParentWindow)[protected]

Sets parent window.


CCoeControl * aParentWindowA pointer to the parent window.



Sets scrollbar frame flags.


TInt aMaskBitmask of the bits that are to be set.

SetScrollBarFrameObserver(MEikScrollBarObserver *)

IMPORT_C voidSetScrollBarFrameObserver(MEikScrollBarObserver *aObserver)

Sets scrollbar observers.


MEikScrollBarObserver * aObserverThe scroll bar observer.

SetScrollBarVisibilityL(TScrollBarVisibility, TScrollBarVisibility)

IMPORT_C voidSetScrollBarVisibilityL(TScrollBarVisibilityaHVisibility,

Sets the visibility state for both the horizontal and the vertical scroll bars. This is used when tiling.


TScrollBarVisibility aHVisibilityHorizontal scroll bar visibility.
TScrollBarVisibility aVVisibilityVertical scroll bar visibility.


IMPORT_C voidSetTypeOfHScrollBar(TScrollBarTypeaType)

Sets the type of horizontal scroll bar. Possible values are EArrowHead and EDoubleSpan.


TScrollBarType aTypeType of the scrollbar.


IMPORT_C voidSetTypeOfVScrollBar(TScrollBarTypeaType)

Sets the type of vertical scroll bar. Possible values are EArrowHead and EDoubleSpan.


TScrollBarType aTypeType of the scrollbar.


IMPORT_C voidSetVFocusPosToThumbPos(TIntaFocusPosition)

Moves the vertical scroll bar thumb to the position aFocusPosition. This function is used to update the scroll bar after an external scroll. The value of aFocusPosition should be supplied in terms of the scrolling model, which is presumed not to have changed spans.


TInt aFocusPositionThe required thumb position.

Tile(TEikScrollBarModel *)

IMPORT_C TBoolTile(TEikScrollBarModel *aVModel)

Sets the vertical scrollbar mode. Does not actually draw anything until the thumb or focus setting functions are called.



TEikScrollBarModel * aVModelModel for the vertical scrollbar.

Tile(TEikScrollBarModel *, TRect &)

IMPORT_C voidTile(TEikScrollBarModel *aVModel,
TRect &aVScrollBar

Tiles the vertical EDouble span type scroll bar managed by the frame. The scroll bar is set up according to the scroll bar model and given rectangle which is relative to the parent window of the frame.

S60 2.6

For EDoublespan type scrollbar the layout can be set also with a helper method from the AknLayoutUtils class:

                                   CEikScrollBarFrame* aScrollBarFrame, 
                                   const TRect& aControlParent, 
                                   const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout);


TEikScrollBarModel * aVModelVertical scrollbar model.
TRect & aVScrollBarVertical scrollbar rectangle.

Tile(TEikScrollBarModel *, TEikScrollBarModel *)

IMPORT_C voidTile(TEikScrollBarModel *aHModel,
TEikScrollBarModel *aVModel

Sets the models of the scrollbars.

S60 2.6


TEikScrollBarModel * aHModelThe model of the horizontal scrollbar.
TEikScrollBarModel * aVModelThe model of the vertical scrollbar.

TileL(TEikScrollBarModel *, TEikScrollBarModel *, TRect &, TRect &, const TEikScrollBarFrameLayout &)

IMPORT_C TBoolTileL(TEikScrollBarModel *aHModel,
TEikScrollBarModel *aVModel,
TRect &aClientRect,
TRect &aInclusiveRect,
const TEikScrollBarFrameLayout &aLayout

Tiles the client area and the scroll bars managed by the frame. The scroll bars are set up according to the scroll bar models; aHModel and aVModel. Ownership is not transferred as a result of passing these parameters as pointers. The result of tiling geometry management is observable through the two rectangles aClientRect and aInclusiveRect. Depending on the tiling layout aLayout and the scroll bar visibility settings, either of these rectangles can be made constant and the other rectangle adjusted accordingly.

For EArrowhead type scrollbar the layout is always fixed, it cannot be altered by using this method.

For EDoublespan type scrollbar the layout can be set also with two helper methods from the AknLayoutUtils class:

           CEikScrollBarFrame* aScrollBarFrame, 
           const TRect& aControlParent, 
           const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout);
           CEikScrollBarFrame* aScrollBarFrame, 
           const TRect& aControlParent, 
           const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout);

ETrue if the non-constant rectangle is adjusted, otherwise EFalse.


TEikScrollBarModel * aHModelHorizontal scroll bar model.
TEikScrollBarModel * aVModelVertical scroll bar model.
TRect & aClientRectClient rectangle.
TRect & aInclusiveRectA rectangle that includes the area to be scrolled and the scroll bars themselves.
const TEikScrollBarFrameLayout & aLayoutTiling layout.


IMPORT_C TScrollBarTypeTypeOfHScrollBar()const

Returns the control type of the horizontal scroll bar

Type of the scrollbar.


IMPORT_C TScrollBarTypeTypeOfVScrollBar()const

Returns the control type of the vertical scroll bar

Type of the scrollbar.


TScrollBarVisibility VScrollBarVisibility()const [inline]

Determines the vertical scroll bar s visibility. CEikScrollBarFrame::ScrollBarVisibility (CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientation) can be used instead of this method.

Visibility for vertical scroll bar.


IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar *VerticalScrollBar()const

Returns a pointer to the vertical scroll bar.

A pointer to the vertical scroll bar.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TMarginsAdjustmentMode



Enum TScrollBarFrameFlags

Defines that is the horizontal or the vertical (spanned) scroll bar visible. Applicaple only for spanned scroll bars.


EHVisible = 0x01

Horizontal spanned scroll bar visible.

EVVisible = 0x02

Vertical spanned scroll bar visible.

EEnableNudgeButtons = 0x04

Enables nudge buttons in touch devices. This flag MUST be set before the creation of the doublespan scrollbar.

EDisableExpandedTouchArea = 0x08

Disables expanded touch area, which is on by default in touch devices. This flag MUST be set before the creation of the doublespan scrollbar.

Enum TScrollBarManagement

Determines how the scroll bar frame manages scroll bars.



The scroll bar frame creates, destroys and recreates, scroll bars according to the visibility mode. The scroll bar frame also acts as an intermediary with its owning control so that the scroll bars can be treated as component controls.


The scroll bar frame creates, destroys and recreates, scroll bars according to the visibility mode. In this case, the scroll bars are not treated as component controls. Instead, the scroll bars are geometry managed in windows floating above the control window and their position is determined in relation to the frame s position on the screen.


The scroll bar frame uses the central application scroll bar as held in the environment. This scroll bar is neither owned by the frame nor treated as a component control of the frame s owner.

Enum TScrollBarSide

Defines where the scroll bar is located.


EBottomOrRight = 0x0

Scroll bar located at the bottom, or to the right of the scroll bar frame.

ETopOrLeft = 0x800

Scroll bar located at the top, or to the left of the scroll bar frame.

Enum TScrollBarType

Defines the type of scroll bar.


ENormalScrollBar = 0x0

Scroll bar complete with shaft. Not used.

EArrowHead = 0x200

Floating arrow head scroll bar, without shaft. Legacy type.

EDoubleSpan = 0x400

Spanned scroll bar.

Enum TScrollBarVisibility

Defines the scroll bar s visibility.



Scroll bar not visible.


Scroll bar visible.


Scroll bar visible if required.

Member Data Documentation

CEikScrollBarFrameExtension * iExtension

CEikScrollBarFrameExtension *iExtension[private]

TInt iScrollBarFrameFlags

TInt iScrollBarFrameFlags[private]

SBarData iV

SBarData iV[protected]

Struct object.