TStreamId Class Reference

class TStreamId

Provides unique identification for stream within a store.

A store always assigns a new id and constructs and returns an associated TStreamId object when a new stream is created.



Public Member Functions
voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)
IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &)
TUint32 Value()
TBool operator!=(TStreamId)
TBool operator==(TStreamId)
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C void__DbgChkRange(TUint32)
Private Attributes
TUint32 iVal

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructs an uninitialised object. It is necessary because there are also non-default constructors in this class.



Constructs the object with the specified stream ID value.

Users of stores do not normally use this function.

In debug mode, the function checks that the supplied stream ID value is not greater than the maximum permitted value, and raises a STORE-Store 2 panic if it is. In release mode, no checking on the supplied value is done.

The checking of the supplied value is done by a private function implemented in estor. dll. This means that in debug mode, a call is made into estor.dll, but in release mode it is not.


TUint32 aValueThe stream ID value.

Member Functions Documentation

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const [inline]

Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.

The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() can be used to externalise objects of this class.


RWriteStream & aStreamStream to which the object should be externalised.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)


RReadStream & aStream


TUint32 Value()const [inline]

Gets the stream ID value encapsulated by this object.

The stream ID value.


IMPORT_C void__DbgChkRange(TUint32aValue)[private, static]


TUint32 aValue


TBool operator!=(TStreamIdanId)const [inline]

Inequality comparison operator. Use this operator to determine whether this stream id is unequal to the specified stream id.

True, if the two stream ids are unequal, false otherwise.


TStreamId anIdThe stream id to be compared with this stream id.


TBool operator==(TStreamIdanId)const [inline]

Equality comparison operator. Use this operator to determine whether this stream id is equal to the specified stream id.

True, if the stream ids are equal; false otherwise


TStreamId anIdThe stream id to be compared with this stream id.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iVal

TUint32 iVal[private]