MVPbkBaseContact Class Reference

class MVPbkBaseContact

Virtual Phonebook read-only base contact interface. This class is used as a high-level interface for contacts in the Virtual Phonebook.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MVPbkBaseContact()[protected, inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation


TAny *BaseContactExtension(TUid)[inline, virtual]

Returns an extension point for this interface or NULL.




MVPbkContactBookmark *CreateBookmarkLC()const [pure virtual]

Creates and returns a bookmark that points to the contact. Bookmark can be used to retrieve an index of the contact in the view.

A new bookmark to the contact


MVPbkContactLink *CreateLinkLC()const [pure virtual]

Creates link representing this contact.

A link or NULL if the contact doesn't exist in the store, e.g. a folding contact in the view could be that kind or a new contact that hasn't been committed to the store. NULL is not put into the CleanupStack.

DeleteL(MVPbkContactObserver &)

voidDeleteL(MVPbkContactObserver &aObserver)const [pure virtual]

Deletes this contact from store asynchronously.


MVPbkContactObserver & aObserverThe observer to call back when this operation completes. The observer will not be called if this function leaves.


const MVPbkBaseContactFieldCollection &Fields()const [pure virtual]

Returns this contact's fields (read only). This contact's fields in read only mode.

IsSame(const MVPbkBaseContact &)

TBool IsSame(const MVPbkBaseContact &aOtherContact)const [pure virtual]

Returns true if this a representation of the same contact.

ETrue if this and aOtherContact represent the same contact.


const MVPbkBaseContact & aOtherContacta contact this contact is compared against.

IsSame(const MVPbkStoreContact &)

TBool IsSame(const MVPbkStoreContact &aOtherContact)const [pure virtual]

Returns true if this a representation of the same contact.

ETrue if this and aOtherContact represent the same contact.


const MVPbkStoreContact & aOtherContacta contact this contact is compared against.

IsSame(const MVPbkViewContact &)

TBool IsSame(const MVPbkViewContact &aOtherContact)const [pure virtual]

Returns true if this a representation of the same contact.

ETrue if this and aOtherContact represent the same contact.


const MVPbkViewContact & aOtherContacta contact this contact is compared against.

MatchContactStore(const TDesC &)

TBool MatchContactStore(const TDesC &aContactStoreUri)const [pure virtual]

Returns ETrue if this view contact is from given store

ETrue if the view contact was from the given store


const TDesC & aContactStoreUrithe URI of the store to compare

MatchContactStoreDomain(const TDesC &)

TBool MatchContactStoreDomain(const TDesC &aContactStoreDomain)const [pure virtual]

Returns ETrue if this contact is from the same store domain as the given one.

ETrue if the contact was from the same store domain.


const TDesC & aContactStoreDomainthe the store domain