TMMFMessage Class Reference

class TMMFMessage

Encapsulation of an RMessage or an RMessage2 to provide protection to controller plugins from the changes occurring with secure APIs.

Adds required destination information to the message so the controller framework can determine which object the message is for.

Adds capability to check whether the message has been completed.

Allows two descriptors to be read from the client, and one descriptor to be copied to the client.




Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMMFMessage(const TMMFMessage &)

IMPORT_CTMMFMessage(const TMMFMessage &aMessage)

Copy constructor.

A controller plugin should use this to take a copy of the message when it must wait for some other event before completing it.



const TMMFMessage & aMessageThe message object to copy.

TMMFMessage(const RMmfIpcMessage &)

IMPORT_CTMMFMessage(const RMmfIpcMessage &aMessage)

Constructs a TMMFMessage from an RMmfIpcMessage.



const RMmfIpcMessage & aMessageThe handle to the remote message.

Member Functions Documentation

AdoptFileHandleFromClientL(TInt, TInt, RFile &)

IMPORT_C voidAdoptFileHandleFromClientL(TIntaFsHandleIndex,
RFile &aFile


TInt aFsHandleIndex
TInt aFileHandleIndex
RFile & aFile


IMPORT_C voidComplete(TIntaReason)

Signals to the client that its request has been completed.

Equivalent to RMessage::Complete.



TInt aReasonThe result code to be given back to the client.


IMPORT_C const TMMFMessageDestination &Destination()

Returns the destination of the message.

The destination of the message, consisting of a UID defining the interface and the handle of the destination object.



IMPORT_C voidFetchDestinationL()

Gets the destination info from the client.



IMPORT_C TIntFunction()

Returns an integer describing the function being called. Equivalent to RMessage::Function().

The function being called over IPC.




IMPORT_C TBoolIsCompleted()

Checks whether this message has already been completed.

A boolean indicating if the message has been completed. ETrue if the message has been completed, EFalse if not.


ReadData1FromClient(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntReadData1FromClient(TDes8 &aDes)

Copy the first descriptor from the client.

One of the system-wide error codes. In particular, KErrBadDescriptor will be returned if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.



TDes8 & aDesA descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.

ReadData1FromClientL(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C voidReadData1FromClientL(TDes8 &aDes)

Copy the first descriptor from the client.

This functino can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the leave code KErrBadDescriptor will be used if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.



TDes8 & aDesA descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.

ReadData2FromClient(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntReadData2FromClient(TDes8 &aDes)

Copies the second descriptor from the client.

One of the system-wide error codes. In particular, KErrBadDescriptor will be returned if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.



TDes8 & aDesA descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.

ReadData2FromClientL(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C voidReadData2FromClientL(TDes8 &aDes)

Copies the second descriptor from the client.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the leave code KErrBadDescriptor will be used if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.



TDes8 & aDesA descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.


IMPORT_C TIntSizeOfData1FromClient()

Returns the size of the first descriptor that can be copied over from the client.

Use this to create a descriptor of appropriate size before reading the data from the client.

The size of data 1.



IMPORT_C TIntSizeOfData2FromClient()

Returns the size of the second descriptor that can be copied over from the client.

Use this to create a descriptor of appropriate size before reading the data from the client.

The size of data 2.


WriteDataToClient(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteDataToClient(const TDesC8 &aDes)

Copies data back to the client.

One of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the error code KErrBadDescriptor will be returned if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.



const TDesC8 & aDesThe data to be copied back to the client. Note that the client must have already created a descriptor of sufficient size for the data to be copied into.

WriteDataToClientL(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidWriteDataToClientL(const TDesC8 &aDes)

Copies the data back to the client.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the leave code KErrBadDescriptor will be used if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.



const TDesC8 & aDesThe data to be copied back to the client. Note that the client must have already created a descriptor of sufficient size for the data to be copied into.

Member Data Documentation

TBool iAmCompleted

TBool iAmCompleted[private]

Defines whether this object has yet to be completed.

TMMFMessageDestination iDestination

TMMFMessageDestination iDestination[private]

The destination of this message.

TInt iDummyPadding

TInt iDummyPadding[private]

Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions

TInt iFunction

TInt iFunction[private]

The encapsulated function

RMessagePtr2 iMessage

RMessagePtr2 iMessage[private]

The encapsulated message