MListBoxModel Class Reference

class MListBoxModel

Description List box data model interface.

This mixin protocol is implemented by all list box models. List box models provide information needed to display the required data in a list box.

Writing derived classes:

This class should be implemented by anything providing data for display in a CEikListBox-derived class. The very basic interface offered by MListBoxModel is usually expanded upon to provide more information for the specialised subclasses of CEikListBox. It is usual when deriving specialised list boxes to subclass the list box class, its view classes and its model together. See also:

Public Member Functions
const MDesCArray *MatchableTextArray()
TInt NumberOfItems()
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C TAny *MListBoxModel_Reserved()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TAny *MListBoxModel_Reserved()[private, virtual]


const MDesCArray *MatchableTextArray()const [pure virtual]

Gets an array of strings used by the list box for matching user keypresses incrementally.

A pointer to the array.


TInt NumberOfItems()const [pure virtual]

Gets the number of items in the list box Number of items.