MEikCommandObserver Class Reference

class MEikCommandObserver

Command observers respond to user commands, and have the secondary function of creating custom controls on request for classes such as CEikToolbar, or user-defined classes.

An implementation of the pure virtual function ProcessCommandL() must be provided for each concrete class derived from MEikCommandObserver. CreateCustomCommandControlL() may also be re-implemented.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *CreateCustomCommandControlL(TInt)
Protected Member Functions
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidMEikCommandObserver_Reserved1()
IMPORT_C voidMEikCommandObserver_Reserved2()
Private Attributes
TInt iMEikCommandObserver_Reserved1

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C CCoeControl *CreateCustomCommandControlL(TIntaControlType)[virtual]

Glue for creating custom controls.

This function can be called to create custom controls on request from their control ID. Custom controls are user-supplied control classes.

Given the ID of a custom control, this function should return a pointer to a newly-instantiated and fully constructed control. If the ID is unrecognised, NULL should be returned. The control returned will be owned by the caller.

By default, NULL.


TInt aControlTypeA custom control ID.


IMPORT_C voidMEikCommandObserver_Reserved1()[private, virtual]


IMPORT_C voidMEikCommandObserver_Reserved2()[private, virtual]


voidProcessCommandL(TIntaCommandId)[pure virtual]

Processes user commands.

Derived classes must provide an implementation of this function which responds to user commands appropriately based on a user-defined ID for the command.


TInt aCommandIdID of the command to respond to.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iMEikCommandObserver_Reserved1

TInt iMEikCommandObserver_Reserved1[private]