Tutorial 3: Importing an Existing Application, Description of Files

This section describes how to import the existing HelloWorldBasic project into Carbide.c++, as well as the purpose and location of the imported project files.

The HelloWorldBasic application:
  • Is stored in the SDK example applications folder (by default C:\Nokia\devices\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.5_2\S60CppExamples\HelloWorldBasic)

  • Prints Hello World! on the screen

  • Demonstrates the following functionality:

    • Displaying text with an Information Note

    • Loading strings with the help of StringLoader

    • Writing to and reading from a file

    • Using a dialog to request user input

  • Has been localized to four different languages

  • Is a scalable application that uses a number of Symbian C++ classes. See the UI concepts scalability section. Symbian C++ classes used for the scalable application are as follows:

For more information, see Tutorial 5: Symbian Project Contents.