e32cmn.h File Reference

Typedef TDesC

typedef TDesC16 TDesC

Defines a build-independent non-modifiable descriptor.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef TPtrC

typedef TPtrC16 TPtrC

Defines a build-independent non-modifiable pointer descriptor.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef TDes

typedef TDes16 TDes

Defines a build-independent modifiable descriptor.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef TPtr

typedef TPtr16 TPtr

Defines a build-independent modifiable pointer descriptor.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef HBufC

typedef HBufC16 HBufC

Defines a build-independent heap descriptor.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef TDesOverflow

typedef TDes16Overflow TDesOverflow

Defines a build-independent descriptor overflow handler.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef RBuf

typedef RBuf16 RBuf

Defines a build-independent resizable buffer descriptor.

A 16-bit build variant is generated for a Unicode, non-kernel mode build.

A build-independent type should always be used unless an explicit 8-bit or 16-bit type is required.



Typedef TBufCBase

typedef TBufCBase16 TBufCBase

Typedef __TRefDesC

typedef TRefByValue< const TDesC >__TRefDesC

Value reference used in operator TLitC::__TRefDesC().


const TLitC< sizeof(L"")/2 > KNullDesC

const TLitC< sizeof(L"")/2 >KNullDesC[static]

Defines an empty or null literal descriptor.

This is the build independent form. An 8 bit build variant is generated for a non-Unicode build; a 16 bit build variant is generated for a Unicode build.

const TLitC8< sizeof("")> KNullDesC8

const TLitC8< sizeof("")>KNullDesC8[static]

Defines an empty or null literal descriptor for use with 8-bit descriptors.

const TLitC16< sizeof(L"")/2 > KNullDesC16

const TLitC16< sizeof(L"")/2 >KNullDesC16[static]

Defines an empty or null literal descriptor for use with 16-bit descriptors

Typedef TName

typedef TBuf< KMaxName >TName

Defines a modifiable buffer descriptor that can contain the name of a reference counting object.



Typedef TFullName

typedef TBuf< KMaxFullName >TFullName

Defines a modifiable buffer descriptor that can contain the full name of a reference counting object.



Typedef TExitCategoryName

typedef TBuf< KMaxExitCategoryName >TExitCategoryName

Defines a modifiable buffer descriptor to contain the category name identifying the cause of thread or process termination. The buffer takes a maximum length of KMaxExitCategoryName.



Typedef TFileName

typedef TBuf< KMaxFileName >TFileName

A buffer that can contain the name of a file. The name can have a maximum length of KMaxFileName (currently 256 but check the definition of KMaxFileName).


Typedef TPath

typedef TBuf< KMaxPath >TPath

A buffer that can contain the name of a path. The name can have a maximum length of KMaxPath (currently 256 but check the definition of KMaxPath).


Typedef TVersionName

typedef TBuf< KMaxVersionName >TVersionName

Version name type.

This is a buffer descriptor with a maximum length of KMaxVersionName. A TVersion object returns the formatted character representation of its version information in a descriptor of this type.


Typedef TUidName

typedef TBuf< KMaxUidName >TUidName

Defines a modifiable buffer descriptor for the text form of the UID. The descriptor has a maximum length of KMaxUidName and is used to contain the standard text format returned by the function TUid::Name().


Typedef __NullPMF

typedef void(OnlyCreateWithNull::*__NullPMF

Typedef TMediaPassword

typedef TBuf8< KMaxMediaPassword >TMediaPassword

Defines an 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor to contain passwords when dealing with password security support in a file server session.

The descriptor takes a maximum length of KMaxMediaPassword.


const TUint KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse

const TUintKScFlagBufOffsetListInUse

A configuration flag for the shared chunk buffer configuration class (used by the multimedia device drivers). This being set signifies that a buffer offset list follows the buffer configuration class. This list holds the offset of each buffer.

const TUint KScFlagUseGuardPages

const TUintKScFlagUseGuardPages

A configuration flag for the shared chunk buffer configuration class (used by the multimedia device drivers). This being set is a suggestion that the shared chunk should be configured leaving guard pages around each buffers.

const TInt KCapabilitySetMaxSize

const TIntKCapabilitySetMaxSize

Maximum size of capability set

const TInt KMaxSecurityPolicySize

const TIntKMaxSecurityPolicySize

Maximum size of any future extension to TSecurityPolicy

Typedef TSecurityPolicyBuf

typedef TPckgBuf< TSecurityPolicy >TSecurityPolicyBuf

Provides a TPkcgBuf wrapper for a descriptorised TSecurityPolicy. This a suitable container for passing a security policy across IPC.

Typedef TMediaSerialNumber

typedef TBuf8< KMaxSerialNumLength >TMediaSerialNumber

Typedef TModuleMemoryInfo

typedef TProcessMemoryInfo TModuleMemoryInfo

Defines a more useful synonym for TProcessMemoryInfo.

Typedef TGeneralIdentityRelation

typedef TBool(*TGeneralIdentityRelation

Defines a function type used by a TIdentityRelation object.

A function of this type implements an algorithm for determining whether two objects match.


Typedef TGeneralLinearOrder

typedef TInt(*TGeneralLinearOrder

Defines a function type used by a TLinearOrder object

A function of this type implements an algorithm that determines the order of two objects.
