TTimeIntervalBase Class Reference

class TTimeIntervalBase

Provides a base class for all time interval classes using a 32-bit representation.

It supports retrieving the interval and provides various operations for comparing intervals. Its concrete derived classes can be added to and subtracted from a TTime.

The comparison operators simply compare the integer representations of the two intervals. They do not take account of different time interval units. So, for example, when comparing for equality an interval of three hours with an interval of three days, the result is true.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation


TTimeIntervalBase()[protected, inline]

Default constructor.


TTimeIntervalBase(TIntaInterval)[protected, inline]

Constructor taking an interval value.


TInt aIntervalThe interval value.

Member Functions Documentation


TInt Int()const [inline]

Gets the time interval as a 32 bit integer.

The time interval as a 32 bit integer.


TBool operator!=(TTimeIntervalBaseaInterval)const [inline]

Tests whether this time interval is not the same as the specified time interval.

True if the two time intervals differ. False otherwise.


TTimeIntervalBase aIntervalThe time interval to be compared with this time interval.


TBool operator<(TTimeIntervalBaseaInterval)const [inline]

Tests whether this time interval is less than the specified time interval.

True if this time interval is less than the specified time interval. False otherwise.


TTimeIntervalBase aIntervalThe time interval to be compared with this time interval.


TBool operator<=(TTimeIntervalBaseaInterval)const [inline]

Tests whether this time interval is less than or equal to the specified time interval.

True if this time interval is less than or equal to the specified time interval. False otherwise.


TTimeIntervalBase aIntervalThe time interval to be compared with this time interval.


TBool operator==(TTimeIntervalBaseaInterval)const [inline]

Tests whether this time interval is the same as the specified time interval.

True if the two time intervals are equal. False otherwise.


TTimeIntervalBase aIntervalThe time interval to be compared with this time interval.


TBool operator>(TTimeIntervalBaseaInterval)const [inline]

Tests whether this time interval is greater than the specified time interval.

True if this time interval is greater than the specified time interval. False otherwise.


TTimeIntervalBase aIntervalThe time interval to be compared with this time interval.


TBool operator>=(TTimeIntervalBaseaInterval)const [inline]

Tests whether this time interval is greater than or equal to the specified time interval.

True if this time interval is greater than or equal to the specified time interval. False otherwise.


TTimeIntervalBase aIntervalThe time interval to be compared with this time interval.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iInterval

TInt iInterval[protected]