CX509CertChain Class Reference

class CX509CertChain : public CBase

Abstract base class for X.509 certificate chain validation; derive from this to suit your profile.


Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C const CX509Certificate &Cert(TIntaIndex)const

Gets the certificate identified by the specified index. Note that Cert(Count()) corresponds to the root (if any) whilst Cert(0) corresponds to the outmost certificate in the chain.

The X.509 certificate at the specified index.


TInt aIndexThe ordinal number representing the position of the certificate within the chain.

CleanupCertArray(TAny *)

voidCleanupCertArray(TAny *aArray)[private, static]


TAny * aArray


IMPORT_C TIntCount()const

Gets the number of certificates in the chain.

The number of certificates in the chain.

DecodeCertsL(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C CArrayPtrFlat< CX509Certificate > *DecodeCertsL(const TDesC8 &aBinaryData)

Decodes the individual elements of the signed data to construct the certificates.

The certificate objects.


const TDesC8 & aBinaryDataThe encoded binary representation.

IsEqualL(const CX509CertChain &)

IMPORT_C TBoolIsEqualL(const CX509CertChain &aOther)const

Tests whether the specified X.509 certificate chain is equal to this X.509 certificate chain.

ETrue, if the certificate chains are equal;EFalse, otherwise.


const CX509CertChain & aOtherThe X.509 certificate chain to be compared.

Member Data Documentation

CArrayPtrFlat< CX509Certificate > * iChain

CArrayPtrFlat< CX509Certificate > *iChain[protected]