Integrated Development Environment

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that is meant to make software development easier for developers. Carbide.c++ is a family of IDEs for the creation of C++ and C applications for devices based on the Symbian platform. Carbide.c++ is based on the Eclipse IDE and the C/C++ development tools from the Eclipse CDT Project. Combining the power of the Eclipse Framework with tools for all stages of development, Carbide.c++ offers all Symbian C++ and Open C/C++ developers an efficient, easy-to-use development environment.

To use Carbide.c++, you must also install the SDKs that you want to build your applications against. Carbide.c++ can be used together with S60 3rd Edition SDK or later. Carbide.c++ is the only supported IDE for Symbian C++. Carbide.c++ is a family of tools that are offered free of charge to every developer, from hobbyists to smartphone manufacturers.

Carbide.c++ enables you to quickly and efficiently create, code, test, and deploy software for Symbian. That software can range from components for devices based on the Symbian platform to third-party after-market applications. To assist with project creation, Carbide.c++ is delivered with a set of templates for creating skeletons for the most commonly used types of Symbian software. For GUI applications, the UI Designer helps accelerate development with a drag-and-drop design environment. During development, CodeScanner can help identify coding issues before they become entrenched and costly to identify and remove. A complete set of tools then provides for building and packaging software. Carbide.c++ provides comprehensive tools for debugging built applications, including on-device debugging and specialized debugging features for phone developers. Then Performance Investigator can be used to tune software performance through analysis of memory, processor, and battery usage.

Carbide.c++ uses Symbian SDK Command Line Tools in the background to perform particular tasks. It is at times useful to perform the command lines calls manually so that you can verify (or better understand) some behavior observed in Carbide.c++ builds.

For more information, see Carbide.c++.