MNifIfNotify Class Reference

class MNifIfNotify

Interface from the nif and the protocol layers to Nifman

Public Member Functions
TInt Authenticate(TDes &, TDes &)
voidBinderLayerDown(CNifIfBase *, TInt, TAction)
TInt GetExcessData(TDes8 &)
voidIfProgress(TInt, TInt)
voidIfProgress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)
voidLinkLayerDown(TInt, TAction)
voidNegotiationFailed(CNifIfBase *, TInt)
voidNifEvent(TNetworkAdaptorEventType, TUint, const TDesC8 &, TAny *)
TInt Notification(TNifToAgentEventType, void *)
voidNotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)
voidNotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)
TInt PacketActivity(TDataTransferDirection, TUint, TBool)
IMPORT_C TIntReadBool(const TDesC &, TBool &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntReadBool(const TDesC &, TBool &)
IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes16 &)
IMPORT_C TIntReadInt(const TDesC &, TUint32 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntReadInt(const TDesC &, TUint32 &)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteBool(const TDesC &, TBool, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteBool(const TDesC &, TBool)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteInt(const TDesC &, TUint32, const RMessagePtr2 *)
IMPORT_C TIntWriteInt(const TDesC &, TUint32)
Protected Member Functions
TInt DoReadBool(const TDesC &, TBool &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoReadInt(const TDesC &, TUint32 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoWriteBool(const TDesC &, TBool, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
TInt DoWriteInt(const TDesC &, TUint32, const RMessagePtr2 *)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTAction { EReconnect, ECallBack, EDisconnect, ENoAction }

Member Functions Documentation

Authenticate(TDes &, TDes &)

TInt Authenticate(TDes &aUsername,
TDes &aPassword
)[pure virtual]
Request to the agent to return the data required for authentication

The return values in aUsername and aPassword should not be considered valid until CNifIfLink::AuthenticateComplete() has been called


TDes & aUsernameOn return, contains the username to be used for authentication
TDes & aPasswordOn return, contains the password to be used for authentication

BinderLayerDown(CNifIfBase *, TInt, TAction)

voidBinderLayerDown(CNifIfBase *aBinderIf,
)[pure virtual]

Notification from the nif that a binder layer has gone down v7.0s


CNifIfBase * aBinderIfAn identifier for the binder layer that went down
TInt aReasonThe reason for the binder layer failure
TAction aActionThe action to be taken as a result, eg. disconnect, reconnect


voidCancelAuthenticate()[pure virtual]

Request to the agent to cancel a pending authentication


voidCloseRoute()[pure virtual]

Decrement the count of users of this nif

DoReadBool(const TDesC &, TBool &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoReadBool(const TDesC &aField,
TBool &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Read an boolean field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TBool & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoReadDes(const TDesC &aField,
TDes8 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Read a 8-bit descriptor field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TDes8 & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoReadDes(const TDesC &aField,
TDes16 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Read a 16-bit descriptor field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TDes16 & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoReadInt(const TDesC &, TUint32 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoReadInt(const TDesC &aField,
TUint32 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Read an integer field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TUint32 & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoWriteBool(const TDesC &, TBool, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoWriteBool(const TDesC &aField,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Write an boolean field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
TBool aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoWriteDes(const TDesC &aField,
const TDesC8 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Write an 8-bit descriptor field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
const TDesC8 & aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoWriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoWriteDes(const TDesC &aField,
const TDesC16 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Write an 16-bit descriptor field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
const TDesC16 & aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

DoWriteInt(const TDesC &, TUint32, const RMessagePtr2 *)

TInt DoWriteInt(const TDesC &aField,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage
)[protected, pure virtual]

Write an integer field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
TUint32 aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

GetExcessData(TDes8 &)

TInt GetExcessData(TDes8 &aBuffer)[pure virtual]

Fetch any excess data from the agent that it received during connection setup KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


TDes8 & aBufferOn return, the buffer contains the excess data from the agent

IfProgress(TInt, TInt)

)[pure virtual]

Upcall from the nif indicating that a new progress state has been reached on this connection The stage value is within the range assigned to nifs i.e. KMinNifProgress <= aStage <= KMaxNifProgress



TInt aStageThe progress stage that has been reached
TInt aErrorAny errors that have occured

IfProgress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)

)[pure virtual]

Upcall from the nif indicating that a new progress state has been reached on this subconnection The stage value is within the range assigned to nifs i.e. KMinNifProgress <= aStage <= KMaxNifProgress



TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueIdThe subconnection to which this notification refers
TInt aStageThe progress stage that has been reached
TInt aErrorAny errors that have occured

LinkLayerDown(TInt, TAction)

)[pure virtual]

Notification from the nif that the link layer has gone down.


TInt aReasonA Symbian OS error code indicating the reason for the link closing down
TAction aActionThe action that should be taken as a result of link layer down being signalled


voidLinkLayerUp()[pure virtual]

Notification from the nif that the link layer is up

NegotiationFailed(CNifIfBase *, TInt)

voidNegotiationFailed(CNifIfBase *aIf,
)[pure virtual]

Indicate that link negotiation failed on this nif to allow nifman to take appropriate action


CNifIfBase * aIfThe address of the CNifIfBase/Link object for which negotiation failed
TInt aReasonAn error code denoting the reason for failure

NifEvent(TNetworkAdaptorEventType, TUint, const TDesC8 &, TAny *)

const TDesC8 &aEventData,
TAny *aSource = 0
)[pure virtual]

Indication that some parameter relating to a subconnection has changed in the nif eg. subconnection closed, opened, QoS changed


TodoIn the future, migrate GUQoS event handler and agent/nif notifications to this generic event handler - Nifman can then act as an event distributor


TNetworkAdaptorEventType aEventTypeThe type of event which has occured - used to direct the event notification to the appropriate component(s)
TUint aEventThe event which has occured
const TDesC8 & aEventDataAny arguments or additional data to do with the event; the interpretation of this depends on the event
TAny * aSource = 0An appropriate identifier of the source of the event - this will be used when one receiver is receiving events from many producers

Notification(TNifToAgentEventType, void *)

TInt Notification(TNifToAgentEventTypeaEvent,
void *aInfo = NULL
)[pure virtual]

Notification of an event from the nif KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes


SC with previous releases broken in v6.1 when first argument changed type


TNifToAgentEventType aEventThe type of event that occured
void * aInfo = NULLAny data associated with the event

NotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)

)[pure virtual]

Indication that the received bytes threshold for a subconnection has been met or exceeded in the nif



TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueIdThe subconnection to which this notification refers
TUint aDownlinkVolumeThe total number of bytes sent by this subconnection

NotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)

)[pure virtual]

Indication that the sent bytes threshold for a subconnection has been met or exceeded in the nif



TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueIdThe subconnection to which this notification refers
TUint aUplinkVolumeThe total number of bytes sent by this subconnection


voidOpenRoute()[pure virtual]

Increment the count of users of this nif

PacketActivity(TDataTransferDirection, TUint, TBool)

TInt PacketActivity(TDataTransferDirectionaDirection,
)[pure virtual]

Indication from network layer that a packet has been transmitted or received

KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes



TDataTransferDirection aDirectionWhether the packet was transmitted or received
TUint aBytesThe size of the packet
TBool aResetTimerWhether the idle timer should be reset

ReadBool(const TDesC &, TBool &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntReadBool(const TDesC &aField,
TBool &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Read an boolean field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TBool & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

ReadBool(const TDesC &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TIntReadBool(const TDesC &aField,
TBool &aValue


const TDesC & aField
TBool & aValue

ReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &aField,
TDes8 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Read a 8-bit descriptor field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TDes8 & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

ReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &aField,
TDes8 &aValue


const TDesC & aField
TDes8 & aValue

ReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &aField,
TDes16 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Read a 16-bit descriptor field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TDes16 & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

ReadDes(const TDesC &, TDes16 &)

IMPORT_C TIntReadDes(const TDesC &aField,
TDes16 &aValue


const TDesC & aField
TDes16 & aValue

ReadInt(const TDesC &, TUint32 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntReadInt(const TDesC &aField,
TUint32 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Read an integer field from the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to read
TUint32 & aValueOn return, contains the value of the field read
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

ReadInt(const TDesC &, TUint32 &)

IMPORT_C TIntReadInt(const TDesC &aField,
TUint32 &aValue


const TDesC & aField
TUint32 & aValue

WriteBool(const TDesC &, TBool, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteBool(const TDesC &aField,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Write an boolean field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
TBool aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

WriteBool(const TDesC &, TBool)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteBool(const TDesC &aField,


const TDesC & aField
TBool aValue

WriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &aField,
const TDesC8 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Write an 8-bit descriptor field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
const TDesC8 & aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

WriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &aField,
const TDesC8 &aValue


const TDesC & aField
const TDesC8 & aValue

WriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &aField,
const TDesC16 &aValue,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Write an 16-bit descriptor field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
const TDesC16 & aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

WriteDes(const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteDes(const TDesC &aField,
const TDesC16 &aValue


const TDesC & aField
const TDesC16 & aValue

WriteInt(const TDesC &, TUint32, const RMessagePtr2 *)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteInt(const TDesC &aField,
const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

Write an integer field to the connection settings provider KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes


const TDesC & aFieldThe name of the field to which to write
TUint32 aValueThe value to be written to the field
const RMessagePtr2 * aMessagefor capability checking

WriteInt(const TDesC &, TUint32)

IMPORT_C TIntWriteInt(const TDesC &aField,


const TDesC & aField
TUint32 aValue

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TAction

