CFontCache Class Reference

class CFontCache : public CBase

Font cache.

When a CFont* needs to be found for a particular TFontSpec, the cache can be searched to see if the TFontSpec is already in the cache. If the TFontSpec is in the cache, its corresponding CFont* can be returned. Otherwise GetNearestFontInTwips() must be used to search all of the available fonts for the nearest CFont- a procedure which takes much longer than a simple cache search.

The current font cache should be destroyed and a new cache created whenever the zoom factor or device map changes, as these changes break the relation between CFont and TFontSpec.

Inherits from

Nested Classes and Structures

Constructor & Destructor Documentation






TInt aMaxEntries



Member Functions Documentation

AddEntryL(CFont *, const TFontSpec &)

IMPORT_C CFont *AddEntryL(CFont *aFont,
const TFontSpec &aFontSpec


CFont * aFont
const TFontSpec & aFontSpec


IMPORT_C CFont *RemoveFirstEntry()

Search(const TFontSpec &)

IMPORT_C CFont *Search(const TFontSpec &aFontSpec)


const TFontSpec & aFontSpec

Member Data Documentation

CFontCacheEntry * iFirst

CFontCacheEntry *iFirst[private]

TInt iMaxEntries

TInt iMaxEntries[private]

TInt iNumEntries

TInt iNumEntries[private]

TInt iNumHits

TInt iNumHits

The number of cache hits since the font cache was created i.e. successful results from CFontCache::Search().

TInt iNumMisses

TInt iNumMisses

The number of cache misses since the font cache was created i.e. unsuccessful results from CFontCache::Search().