CFreeTimerWindowAnim Class Reference

class CFreeTimerWindowAnim : public CWindowAnim

Free timer animation interface.

This interface allows animations to have their own timers or other active objects, and to draw to the window when the timer completes. The implication of this is that animations derived from this class can have an extremely short user-defined time between calls to the Animate() function, unlike the other animation classes, which are tied to the (approximately) half second flash cycle.

The interface inherits from CWindowAnim and has access to its functions. It additionally can access functions declared in the MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions interface, using WindowFunctions().

In order to draw to the window inside the RunL() of your own timer, you will need call the ActivateGc() function before doing any drawing, and the DeactivateGc() function after finishing the drawing.


Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation


voidReservedF1()const [private, inline, virtual]


MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions *WindowFunctions()[protected, inline]

Gets the free timer utility functions.

These functions include all the MAnimWindowFunctions, and additional functions to deactivate the graphics context and to force the screen to update.

A pointer to the free timer utility functions.