CEikMsgWin Class Reference

class CEikMsgWin : public CBase

Base class providing functions to construct and display an information message.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEikMsgWin(CEikonEnv &)

IMPORT_CCEikMsgWin(CEikonEnv &aEikonEnv)[protected]


CEikonEnv & aEikonEnv



Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidCEikMsgWin_Reserved1()[private, virtual]


IMPORT_C voidCEikMsgWin_Reserved2()[private, virtual]


IMPORT_C voidCancelDisplay()

ConstructL(RWindowGroup &)

IMPORT_C voidConstructL(RWindowGroup &aWindowGroup)


RWindowGroup & aWindowGroup

DoStartDisplay(const TDesC &)

voidDoStartDisplay(const TDesC &aText)[private, pure virtual]


const TDesC & aText

PrepareDisplay(TDes &, TGulAlignment)

TDes &PrepareDisplay(TDes &aText,


TDes & aText
TGulAlignment aCorner

StartDisplay(const TDesC &, TGulAlignment)

IMPORT_C voidStartDisplay(const TDesC &aText,


const TDesC & aText
TGulAlignment aCorner

Member Data Documentation

RBlankWindow * iBlankWindow

RBlankWindow *iBlankWindow[protected]

The window in which the message will be drawn.

TInt iCEikMsgWin_Spare1

TInt iCEikMsgWin_Spare1[private]

CCoeControl * iDummy

CCoeControl *iDummy[protected]

An empty control required for construction of a blank window. This defines a handle back to the client side object, which is only required if you need to later initiate client side drawing.

CEikonEnv & iEikonEnv_

CEikonEnv &iEikonEnv_[protected]

A CEikonEnv*, which all applications have. This is required for construction of a CEikMsgWin as it provides access to services which the message window needs, the window server session for example.

RMessageWindow * iMessageWindow

RMessageWindow *iMessageWindow[protected]

An RAnim derived class, which is responsible for interacting with server side classes to provide the message window's animation on the screen. It is constructed by passing in the RWindowBase which it will use to draw its contents to, and also a handle to an animation DLL, which provides the animation functionality.

CEikResourceChange * iResourceChange

CEikResourceChange *iResourceChange[private]