TFontPresentation Class Reference

class TFontPresentation

Specifies the font-independent character format attributes, including bold, italics and underlining.

An instance of this class is owned by the character formatting container (class TCharFormat).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation

IsEqual(const TFontPresentation &, const TCharFormatMask &)

IMPORT_C TBoolIsEqual(const TFontPresentation &aFontPresentation,
const TCharFormatMask &aMask


const TFontPresentation & aFontPresentation
const TCharFormatMask & aMask

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TAlignment

Vertical picture alignment



The top of the picture is aligned flush with the top of the font's ascent, so that the picture may descend below the line.


The bottom of the picture is aligned flush with the bottom of the font's descent so that the picture may extend above the line.


The picture is aligned so that its centre is positioned at the baseline of the line.


The bottom of the picture is aligned with the baseline of the font. This is the default.

Enum TFontHighlightStyle

Highlight style



No highlighting used.


Normal (square cornered) highlighting used.


Rounded corner highlighting used.


Text is drawn offset towards the bottom-right in the highlight colour, (iHighlightColor) before being drawn again in the text colour, (iTextColor) creating a shadow effect.


Placeholder for "unrecognised word" highlighting style for FEPs

EFontHighlightFirstCustomStyle = 128

First custom highlighting style is used. MFormCustomDraw::DrawText().

EFontHighlightLastCustomStyle = 255

Second custom highlighting style is used. MFormCustomDraw::DrawText().

Member Data Documentation

TBool iHiddenText

TBool iHiddenText

Specifies whether or not text is hidden. Note that hidden text is not currently supported by the text layout engine. This attribute is provided to preserve information when copying from and to devices which support hidden text. By default EFalse.

TLogicalRgb iHighlightColor

TLogicalRgb iHighlightColor

The highlight colour for selected text. Only takes effect if iHighlightStyle is not EFontHighlightNone. By default, the default system foreground colour.

TFontHighlightStyle iHighlightStyle

TFontHighlightStyle iHighlightStyle

Style for character highlighting. By default EFontHighlightNone.

TAlignment iPictureAlignment

TAlignment iPictureAlignment

The vertical alignment of a picture character. By default EAlignBaseLine.

TFontStrikethrough iStrikethrough

TFontStrikethrough iStrikethrough

The value of the strikethrough attribute. By default EStrikethroughOff.

TLogicalRgb iTextColor

TLogicalRgb iTextColor

The text colour. By default, the default system foreground colour.

TFontUnderline iUnderline

TFontUnderline iUnderline

The value of the underline attribute. By default EUnderlineOff.