CAnimationDataProvider Class Reference

class CAnimationDataProvider : public CBase

Pure virtual base class for data providers.

A data provider takes an animation specification (such as a file), converts it (if needed) into a format recognised by an animator (such as CAnimationFrame objects), and passes it to the animator, via the medium of an animation.

Most animation types take a data provider as an argument during contruction. For more detailed usage instructions, refer to the documentation of the derived classes.



Inherits from

  • CAnimationDataProvider

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidCAnimationDataProvider_Reserved1()[protected, virtual]

Reserved for future use


IMPORT_C voidCAnimationDataProvider_Reserved2()[protected, virtual]

Reserved for future use


TPtrC8 DataType()[pure virtual]

Called from the animation to obtain the type of data to expect. An 8 bit identifier string


IMPORT_C voidSendEventL(TIntaEvent)[protected]

Sends an event with no associated data to the observer.

See SendEventL(TInt,TAny*,TInt) for further details.


TInt aEventThe event to pass. This may be a member of TAnimationEvent, or a user defined value. User defined events must be greater than EAnimationReservedEvents

SendEventL(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidSendEventL(TIntaEvent,

Sends an event with a single integer data item to the observer.

See SendEventL(TInt,TAny*,TInt) for further details.


TInt aEventThe event to pass. This may be a member of TAnimationEvent, or a user defined value. User defined events must be greater than EAnimationReservedEvents
TInt aDataA pointer to the data to send

SendEventL(TInt, TAny *, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidSendEventL(TIntaEvent,
TAny *aData,

Sends an event with an arbitrary size data item to the observer.



TInt aEventThe event to pass. This may be a member of TAnimationEvent, or a user defined value. User defined events must be greater than EAnimationReservedEvents
TAny * aDataA pointer to the data to send
TInt aDataSizeThe size of the data item passed in aData

SetObserver(MAnimationDataProviderObserver *)

IMPORT_C voidSetObserver(MAnimationDataProviderObserver *aObserver)

Sets the destination for data from this data provider.

You do not need to call this function unless you are writing a new animation type.


MAnimationDataProviderObserver * aObserverThe destination to send data to. Usually an animation class.


voidStartL()[pure virtual]

Called from the animation when it is ready to begin receiving data.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iCAnimationDataProvider_Reserved

TInt iCAnimationDataProvider_Reserved[protected]

Reserved for future use

MAnimationDataProviderObserver * iObserver

MAnimationDataProviderObserver *iObserver[protected]

The destination to send data to. Usually an animation class.