CSerial Class Reference

class CSerial : public CObject

Factory for a single CPort object.

CSerial is the base class for implementations of serial port factories. It is intended to be overridden by the CSY so that C32 can call in and ask the CSY to create serial ports. In this way the factory is responsible for creating instances of CPort-derived classes for the protocol of the CSY. It also provides query functions, which return general information about the capabilities of the serial protocol implemented by the CSY.

Owned by the CPort object it creates.

Writing derived classes:

The pure virtual NewPortL() and Info() functions must be implemented in derived classes. Serial protocol modules which can take differing action based on the version of the comms server should also override QueryVersionSupported().

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation





Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidCSerial_Reserved1()[private, virtual]

ConstructL(RLibrary &)

voidConstructL(RLibrary &aLib)


RLibrary & aLib

Info(TSerialInfo &)

voidInfo(TSerialInfo &aSerialInfo)[pure virtual]

Specifies the protocol for getting the information about the serial protocol.

Implementations should fill in the TSerialInfo structure to reflect the protocol's capabilities.


TSerialInfo & aSerialInfoOn return, set to indicate the capabilities of the serial protocol.

ModuleName(TDes &)

voidModuleName(TDes &aName)


TDes & aName

NewPortL(const TUint)

CPort *NewPortL(const TUintaUnit)[pure virtual]

Specifies the protocol for creating a new serial port for the protocol. The comms server calls this function in response to a RComm:Open() call.

Typically, the implementation would call NewL() on the protocol's CPort-based class. Any resources required by the new port object should be done at this stage. If the serial port object cannot be created for any reason, NewPortL() should leave with an appropriate error code.

The interpretation of unit numbers is specific to the particular serial protocol module. However, unit numbers on Symbian OS should be zero-based. For the default built-in serial ports implemented by the serial protocol module ecuart.csy, the unit numbers refer to the hardware ports, with 0 being the first port on the machine. If a second request is made to create a port with a unit number that has already been created and not destroyed, NewPortL() should leave with KErrAlreadyExists.


const TUint aUnitThe unit number to be created.


IMPORT_C TSecurityPolicyPortPlatSecCapability(TUintaPort)const [virtual]


TUint aPort

QueryVersionSupported(const TVersion &)

IMPORT_C TBoolQueryVersionSupported(const TVersion &aVersion)const [virtual]


const TVersion & aVersion

Member Data Documentation

TAny * iCSerial_Reserved

TAny *iCSerial_Reserved[private]

CLibUnloader * iLibUnloader

CLibUnloader *iLibUnloader[private]

TVersion iVersion

TVersion iVersion[protected]

Module version number. The class should initialise this member with its version number from its constructor.